Ninjatrader - page 4

iam not understand ninjatrader?

whetever is MT4 or Indicator?

and how tu use ninjatrader?

Please reply?

More information about Ninjatrader you can find here : NinjaTrader or here Beginner's Guide To NinjaTrader: Introduction | Investopedia

iam not understand ninjatrader?

whetever is MT4 or Indicator?

and how tu use ninjatrader?

Please reply?

Man. If you are having problems with metatrader then do not try ninjatrader. You need to know more when using ninjatrader


if you think MT4 is pain, try Ninja for a few wks

it makes MT4 look good


Ninja trader has a problem of developers. There are some very, very good ones, but comparing the numbers much less then for metatrader. And they are in a 3rd "new metatrader 4 like" change in a short time


I jumped from Metatrader to Ninja to and then to regular Muticharts which uses Easylanguage. Don't underestimate the learning curve of switching to C#. My opinion is that Easylanguage is the right choice for the vast majority traders who also want to experiment with new ideas quickly. I only turn to C# now when I absolutely can't find a way to do something in Easylanguage. I don't have any experience with the newest Tradestation but I see that the newest version of EasyLanguage addresses many of the issues that I am having with the Multicharts version.

Even though it is in fashion to criticize MT4 as a platform, it is (was) very capable from a programming standpoint. It may have needed some work but you could do it....with plenty of help from mladen over the years which is very much appreciated. You will be surprised by all the things you could do with MT4 that are just not possible even with platforms that have been around a long time.

I can recommend Multicharts as a very capable platform for testing strategies and automated trading but I have not been able to completely leave metatrader behind.

My main problem is how MTF is managed. If you use this a lot then you will be frustrated out of your mind. You also can't draw things where you want them easily. For example, I use filled rectangles that expand and contract regularly to mark target areas and I can't do it in any way that makes sense. You can solve some of these problems with the .net version but be prepared to do a lot of work and don't expect to get much help. You would need to be able to code in C# and then learn all the quirks of of the platform. Keep in mind that the Easylanguage and .net versions are two separate products that need two licenses so twice the cost.

The biggest problem for Ninja is that the newest version "8" will probably require a recode. I also hate the frameless layout which made organizing charts more difficult than it should be. Your best bet is to look at your MT4 code and then choose the new platform that makes the transition the easiest. I lost a lot of time recently assuming that things could be done and then more time looking for workarounds. When your income is from trading and not programming, this is an expensive process.

It is taken me several months to reorganize myself and I still not there.



Newest ninjatrader 8 will require the same kind of recoding as metatrader. Already ninjatrader sites like big Mikes are suffering hard because of that

Newest ninjatrader 8 will require the same kind of recoding as metatrader. Already ninjatrader sites like big Mikes are suffering hard because of that

Does it mean that it is not just metatrader doing stunts like that?

I see that they are offering free ninjatrader, but the problem is data : only EOD data for free


The issue with platforms like Multicharts and NinjaTrader is that up to a certain degree they do not seem to be reliable and have a lot of quirks. Just take a look at the official site of Multicharts to find out that people just cannot operate in a smooth fashion on it. For example:

--- > MultiCharts: Trading Software for Automated Trading and Backtesting • View topic - MC 9.0 Currency conversion

--- > MultiCharts: Trading Software for Automated Trading and Backtesting • View topic - Multicharts -features, stability, reliability and speed

and the story regarding NT8 is a never ending one...

Fortunately, there are platforms out there that are by leaps and bounds better.


I use Multicharts with three broker connections simultaneously and I don't have problems with reliability. It did take me a long time to code my strategies again but once that was done I don't think about it anymore.

Every platform has issues that you would need to work around but in the end I found it to suit me better than any other trading software. It is complex but it has allowed me to do things with my trading that would have been very difficult on other platforms.




'do you use even use Multicharts for trading? How can you honestly make a comment like that?'

No. Not for trading, for backtesting. As a matter of fact the fact that drived away form it was that I could not reliably re-test my strategy. You may ask why ? Take a look at this:

'I do with three broker connections simultaneously and I don't have problems with reliability. It did take me a long time to code my strategies again but once that was done I don't think about it anymore.'

I'm glad to hear that ( without any sarcasm ).

'Every platform has issues that you would need to work around but in the end I found it to suit me better than any other trading software. It is complex but it has allowed me to do things with my trading that would have been very difficult on other platforms.'

The question is what other platforms you are referring too ? And do you consider a flaw in design a 'quirk' ?

'Just my opinion but perhaps you should comment on what you really know rather than what you read on the internet.'

Just for the record. If something is posted on the Internet it is not worth considering ?

'As far as which platforms are better, please share your experiences. The ones you have actually used to trade with.'

See Amibroker. If you want to elevate this discussion we can do a comparison what the two softwares can/canot do. Starting thur importing the data, coding a simple strategy, backtesting on a basket of stock or currencies or whatever so on...

And please spare the phrases as 'How can you honestly make a comment like that?'. What was so wrong in my post ? Who did I offend ? Last but not least if I was searching for a platform and considering MC I would appreciate that someone was trying to play the 'Devil's Advocate' Why ?

Because the time needed to learn a pltform is quite precious and it's better to make a wise choose to avoid a necessary switch.

Note. I'm not related with any above mentioned software. Just my opinions.