Pips Harvester:yevell's Intraday Trading Strategy (RAS ID 532) - page 2


Hello yevell. Would you mind giving some info on long term performance of you trading and maybe max draw down in pips you experienced so far. Also what broker are u using for the signals? Thanks and grats on very nice trading.

Big Joe:
Valeo knows that ? I hope your signals will be lifetime free for OLD xo method chairmens.

We wish you well, Yevell. You are a good scholar.

Hello yevell. Would you mind giving some info on long term performance of you trading and maybe max draw down in pips you experienced so far. Also what broker are u using for the signals? Thanks and grats on very nice trading.

you may see my max draw on the website now ! not a good day for me !

but no problem ! we are still in profit ! following is the pic show the trade i did from Feb 11 !


tells about your strategy


You don't have to reveal any of your secrets. But is there any thing you can tell us about your overall approach? What makes you enter a trade?

Yevell: You don't have to reveal any of your secrets. But is there any thing you can tell us about your overall approach? What makes you enter a trade?

Hi,majorbillion, i do not have any secrets ! I use the XO revised system, which is developed by ValeoFx, you all can find the indis in the thread below:


after you read all the posts, i think you could find a way to build your system !

the pic below will show you what make me enter a trade !

and please allow me to thank ValeoFx, he leads me to the way of success !

thank you VERY much, Valeo !

Best wishes !

gu.gif  75 kb

Yeah, I've seen you a lot on that thread! It takes a strategy + talent to be able to do what you do.

Hi,majorbillion, i do not have any secrets ! I use the XO revised system, which is developed by ValeoFx, you all can find the indis in the thread below:


after you read all the posts, i think you could find a way to build your system !

the pic below will show you what make me enter a trade !

and please allow me to thank ValeoFx, he leads me to the way of success !

thank you VERY much, Valeo !

Best wishes !

Yesterday was hard for me too.

I hate these days, you have to fight till night to be positive

Wish you all success for your signal adventures


Hi guys, as there are some data problem with my old ID 480 and 486, I registered a new ID 491 ! and from now on, my signal will use this new ID !

the link is in my signature ! please NOTE !


Hello, first of all admiration for his wonderful and hard work and thank you for your contributions.

The question is: how can we subscribe to your signal?

Thank you very much.


Hi new ID 491 will be in pending mode for 1 or few days and after that yevell will send email or PM to me and I will move it to approve mode (if yevell will want).

Just to be sure that everything is going in right way.

But seems everything is going fine up to now: 16 closed trades and 98 dollars since this morning.

Just 1 or few days more in oending mode to be sure and yevell will send email to PM to me for approval.