How long does it take to become successful in forex?


Hello friends

I need some help again with a new monthly poll. It is located on the front page of, but you can also answer here and I will do the rest! Thank you.

Here is the question: How long does it take to become successful in forex?

Possible answers:

a) less than half a year

b) 6 months - 1 year

c) 1 year - 5 years

d) more than 5 years

e) No idea. I am still stuggling !!!

Your input is highly appreciated.




It depends how smart the person is !!

Some of the excellent traders started as teenagers under the 20, others have been trading for ages and all what they do is write books , give an advice and or about what the market, but they can't make money from trading.

With time comes experience but not all experienced traders are successful.

I think 2-3 years should be enough experience in trading, as by two years you should be able to read the chart and know where to play.

Hello friends

I need some help again with a new monthly poll. It is located on the front page of, but you can also answer here and I will do the rest! Thank you.

Here is the question: How long does it take to become successful in forex?

Possible answers:

a) less than half a year

b) 6 months - 1 year

c) 1 year - 5 years

d) more than 5 years

e) No idea. I am still stuggling !!!

Your input is highly appreciated.



That's like asking how long it takes to become a master artist.

It depends on the person and effort of course and some people never learn to paint.

(a rough guess: 2 years of serious trading and learning the markets will probably tell if you can do it or not)


That's depends how a person learning towards the financial market. Some may takes 1 - 3 years, some maybe takes the entire whole life without knowing how exactly trading the financial market. My opinion c) should be ok.



It doesn't depend solely on your smartness. The attention you give to it and how much you are hungry to learn and to know it, if you are lucky to stumble across a profitable system that soothe your style, then i will say a year plus will do.

Hello friends

I need some help again with a new monthly poll. It is located on the front page of, but you can also answer here and I will do the rest! Thank you.

Here is the question: How long does it take to become successful in forex?

Possible answers:

a) less than half a year

b) 6 months - 1 year

c) 1 year - 5 years

d) more than 5 years

e) No idea. I am still stuggling !!!

Your input is highly appreciated.



My answer would be, how long does it take, how long have you got?

The amount of time you are prepeared to spend without giving up will determine your success.


never give up!


You should know yourself better whether you are a quitter or not.


3-4 years full time is probably the minimum time required.


This forum gets better and better.

We have people who probably don't even trade profitably giving approximations of time to become successful.

That makes as much sense as a monkey trying to explain to a human how long it took evolution to fulfill itself in its current form.

You're seeking an answer that cannot be answered. How long it takes to become successful is dependent on a person and will be influenced by a complex web of variables.

Take for example a question your best friend would ask, "How hot is my girlfriend(or boyfriend), rate her on a scale of 1-10"

If you're going to answer this question without asking him further questions you're making several assumptions based on the best of your knowledge.

1) What does 5 mean to him? Is 5 average? Is 5 good?

2) Who on his scale is actually a 5? What is the benchmark of an average looking person?

3) What is 1? Bad? Best?

4) What is 10? Perfect? Is there such an answer?

5) What is his definition of hot? Does it land on 7-9?

All of the people above have given you answers based on their assumption of who you are and the variables they believe will affect the time it will take for you to successfully trading forex.

All of the people above have based their assumptions on your post. So let's be realistic here. Are you going to find your answers from the people above? Or learning on your own?

