I have a psychological problem that I cannot solve - page 3


Would love to see those profitable statements of yours, if you don't mind? Or maybe a few live trade calls or something??


Why? I do not have anything to prove...


Would love to see those profitable statements of yours, if you don't mind? Or maybe a few live trade calls or something??

hello ES

Hello ES,

thanks for sharing your emotional process that accompanies winning or the reverse side of losing.

Instead of " changing " anything, I would simply do an inquiry of your thoughts, as they are the cause of your feelings. So you dont try to do a therapy, meditate, distract yourself, console yourself, pat yourself on the back, think negatively about yourself etc.

All of this is only secondary.

Primary is your thinking process.

You can be a witness to your thoughts, and thus to your feelings.

Further recommendation :

" Loving what IS " - 4 Questions that can change your Life.

Byron Katie* http://www.thework.com

Example :

I dont deserve to be a winner.

Is that true ?

Can I really know if that thought/belief is true ?

How do I feel/react, treat myself and others, if I BELIEVE that thought ?

Who or what would I be without that thought ?

Then try a turnaround.

e.g. My THINKING about myself doesnt deserve to be a winner.

I do deserve to be a winner.

Winning or losing just exists in my head.

Is it really possible to win ?

Is it really possible to lose ?

Good luck and all the best !

" You can either believe your thoughts or do inquiry. There`s no other choice ".

" We are now entering the dimension where we have control : the inside, inquiring about our thoughts. Its not that we leave our thoughts, our thoughts leave us when the time is ready, and then the problem is not solved, it disappears. "

B. Katie



You are so sincere it shows.. I have seen your posts through the ages and been with you through the ups and downs. I am very happy to see that you're winning now.

For the most part I would say that you should just simply get "use" to winning. Like many before me have said it will be easier to get use to winning then it has been to loosing. This is just simply part of a traders education, you are now a real trader!



just trying to find my way around, trying systems to see what will work for me

thanks for any help that I can get



How is the winning situation now? Getting used to it yet?



how are you? Your letter made me so sad. I hope you have more than a few years left. It seems that you had your eureka moment, but instead of happy it made you even more uneasy. Maybe it is not the EA at all, just your edge and experience, like the adittional set of weels the kids use before they can ride two-weeler with confidence - they are there for a while before realizing that we can go without them ...

Pls. take time off, travel, take care of your health, you've got the holly grail already .... I wish you pease of mind and to be happy ...


Hello, Mungo2! We've noticed that you've not made any post on Forum for quite some time now. We encourage you to take some time to post something and enjoy from the great feedback of our community.

Makes me sound like a serial Leecher....

A question in a Nursing exam asked:

Q. What is Death?

Some people wrote pages giving very technical responses, however the correct answer was:

A. The End.

The Holy Grail and happiness can probably be defined in a similar concise manner.

Lest We Forget!


Enjoy the excitement you have found

Re ElectricSavant I am one sick puppy....

We have a deep internal knowing that there is something better... and it seems you have found something that amazes you, yet you keep searching.

I know the drive of the search, it can be relentless, and I have yet to find my amazement.

We are all teachers and we are all connected in one way or another.

Find someone you can tell about your fortunate situation so they can share your amazement and their excitement will give something back to you.

I'm not talking about even sharing the product as you seem unsure about that, but do share your excitement - you cant hold that in, it is meant to go out and come back.



You may be able to strike a better balance

By using RAS you might be able to at least say you are giving somthing back. It doesn't matter if you make every trade by hand or not the user will never know. Charge them for it of course (you can't get anything for free).