A big truth about forex - page 8


Typical Simba,

Some people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them ; I don't like to argue with an idiots. because they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience and you have that experience.

I wont waste time responding to you.

Thanks God for the ignore list you are on top of it

I didn`t fight him,I don`t plan to continue these types of posts,since I write them as it suits me..spur of the moment,so to say ...and,more important,I didn`t drag you..I just stated a fact about a previous post of him,basically I copied and pasted what he asserted about you,in any case,if you feel I dragged you,that is your problem,not mine,and you should ask the moderators to intervene on your behalf..Do not mention Minime`s name in vain..oh my God, I should go to the confessionary soon Simba


Is another way to approach the market, from my point of view complementary to fundamental analysis and technical analysis PD:Simba is one of the most respected members of this forum. (If there are newbies reading)

Thanks pacapanes and homestudy,

No need to post on my behalf,the story with ES comes from the time we expelled him from a private forum,due to his misbehaviour against the forum owner and administrator,which is a very generous person whom I appreciate a lot...since ES had just been expelled from another Forum before that,it looks like the issue affected him more than it should have.

Similar kind of misbehaviour got him temporarily sanctioned from forex-tsd months ago,after he started flaming,among others, several of my threads ...the guy was basically a lost case,he escalated up until he self destroyed,forcing administrator`s hand to an unsusteinable level.

In my own opinion,which I am entitled to post since he wrote to me,literally "eat shit and die"(he probably didn`t realize that most people don`t share his coprophyllic culinary habits),about a year ago, and that of a few others whom I won`t mention(they have posted it several times here at tsd), he is either deranged or on medication,hence my previous comments...

His main techniques are:

1- Projecting his own habits on others(did you check his latest post?an exercise in fallacy and self delusion)..like the "last word issue",so,I have to give him the "last word" ,whatever that is ,or else I am guilty of wanting to have the "last word"?Good try BTW ..Or,even better,accusing me of flaming when he is the one that has been sanctioned several times and expelled from at least a couple of Forums, for ,among other similar misbehaviours,flaming my threads...

2-Resorting to easy to disprove assertions..like:is Simba same person as el cid??HaHaHa,this one cracked me up..man,if we had to judge by: 1-number of times expelled from forums..2-Irrelevancy of posts and threads created..3-Number of posts per day...I would have to say that any datamining program will put both el cid and ES in the same exclusive category,in any case,el cid is far more intelligent and slightly less deranged ,IMO,so,I am fairly sure they are not the same person.

I remember when I started posting at aleccoh infamous thread,showing him for what he was(a scammer),he resorted also to the same kind of misrepresentation ES is resorting to now..aleccoh and his Quasimodos(fake members he used to support his arguments) ended up posting that both samah(another one of the FEW senior members here that saw the truth and had the balls to post it in regards to aleccoh)and myself were the same person...then time put everybody at his right place...BTW,check ES posts at aleccoh thread for an interesting read,specially the initial ones...and ,also,check the posts of so called senior members either supporting aleccoh or asking samah and myself to stop,because even if we were right,they had already decided(aka:greed blinded their thinking)...so,the end result is that you should only listen to logic and sound arguments,not to the kind of ad hominem attacks you will find from time to time,of which I too am guilty,like is Simba an extraterrestrial?Or..is ES deranged?Just read our posts,and form your own conclusion.

In any case,I believe that there is no need for any of you to get involved in what is an irrelevancy in the middle of a thread...and,additionally ,ES has promised not to post anymore HaHaHa.

Thanks to both of you.



LOL, this is getting funnier by the minute.


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood

and sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveller, long I stood

and looked down one as far as I could

to where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

and having perhaps the better claim

because it was grassy and wanted wear;

though as for that, the passing there

had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

in leaves no feet had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --

I took the one less travelled by,

and that has made all the difference

Maybe this poem will soothe the flaming on this thread, if its too hard to understand...

ha, we all know that answer

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood

and sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveller, long I stood

and looked down one as far as I could

to where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

and having perhaps the better claim

because it was grassy and wanted wear;

though as for that, the passing there

had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

in leaves no feet had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --

I took the one less travelled by,

and that has made all the difference

Maybe this poem will soothe the flaming on this thread, if its too hard to understand...

ha, we all know that answer

Robert Frost?


Yes indeed,

A great poem.

Robert Frost?
Yes indeed, A great poem.

thats my memory from yr 11 english coming back

Here lets try this:

Lets say a bank has a Client who wants to hedge a manufacturing account receivable...so he gives the bank his order....now this guy does not have MT4 lol....He simply calls his bank...he is not a speculator...

Ok so the bank has this large order....so they want to fill it at 15:00 ...so they get their trading room on it and they start to hit the phones....they drive the price (fixing) to a place where it will retrace then fill their client at an artificial price they cascaded....Now they have removed risk and have something to trade against....

Is this random?


This is not random but it may appear random on a chart if the price suddenly jumps to a new level contrary to what your system of indicators is telling you. Indicators cannot forcast human dealings behind the scenes which is why the market is random to traders who don't know about this event beforehand. Accordingly, fundamentalists who know all about the news but know nothing about existing trends on the charts may look at a move against them on their position to be random because their analysis was accurate. What may seem like randomness to one person may be completely predictable to another. While it is true that not all human motives for entering the market can be known beforehand, this does not mean that the market is totally random. After all, a majority of market participants were motivated to enter the market based on some historical observation which they believe to be repeatable. So as long as there are human motives involved then there is a way to predict by understanding what those motives are.


When we lose is it randomness? If most traders lose in Forex what does that say? If most traders lose is that not randomness by nature?


This is not random but it may appear random on a chart if the price suddenly jumps to a new level contrary to what your system of indicators is telling you. Indicators cannot forcast human dealings behind the scenes which is why the market is random to traders who don't know about this event beforehand. Accordingly, fundamentalists who know all about the news but know nothing about existing trends on the charts may look at a move against them on their position to be random because their analysis was accurate. What may seem like randomness to one person may be completely predictable to another. While it is true that not all human motives for entering the market can be known beforehand, this does not mean that the market is totally random. After all, a majority of market participants were motivated to enter the market based on some historical observation which they believe to be repeatable. So as long as there are human motives involved then there is a way to predict by understanding what those motives are.