A big truth about forex - page 5


If it is random, then who controls the market price? Forex is only full of noise. Those who can filter out the noise has an edge.



I'll tell you a little secret, come closer...

... The little hobbit told me a man, that holds a ring of power, that dwells in a volcano with an all seeing eye is the man who control Forex Prices- destroy him.. and you will find what you are seeking

I'm referring to Bush.

Shhh, I didn't tell you that though!

If it is random, then who controls the market price? Forex is only full of noise. Those who can filter out the noise has an edge.

I'll tell you a little secret, come closer...

... The little hobbit told me a man, that holds a ring of power, that dwells in a volcano with an all seeing eye is the man who control Forex Prices- destroy him.. and you will find what you are seeking

I'm referring to Bush.

Shhh, I didn't tell you that though!

LMAO mate your one funny guy lol


Shoes for Cinderella

If the shoe fits wear it!

And if it doesn`t?

Beware of Pumpkins at Midnight?

HaHaHa...think about the Pumpkin EA Strategy,you could Martingale your retirement fund and wifey`s one too..Hey,since it is random..WTF?Just take care not to open any trades after midnight..and if it still doesn`t work..just wear your old horseshoes into financial oblivion...Not your fault,hey,markets are random...this suits you well,or so it seems....




Don't know where you come up with those ideas but I like them

on Monopoly I always target the orange zone first and I would sell anything to get the orange land "New York , Tennessee and St. James "

For some reason my friends and family tend to land in there more frequently, it could be luck or magic !! I don't know but it works

so if we ever played Monopoly try to take the orange area first , if not then the game is mine


I'll tell you a little secret, come closer...

... The little hobbit told me a man, that holds a ring of power, that dwells in a volcano with an all seeing eye is the man who control Forex Prices- destroy him.. and you will find what you are seeking

I'm referring to Bush.

Shhh, I didn't tell you that though!

Fundementally driven markets can be traded with a bias....but you and your boyfriends are so intent on arguing and flaming to build up your giant ego's you miss the point of the discussion...

When are you going to get a clue...Simba?


And if it doesn`t?

Beware of Pumpkins at Midnight?

HaHaHa...think about the Pumpkin EA Strategy,you could Martingale your retirement fund and wifey`s one too..Hey,since it is random..WTF?Just take care not to open any trades after midnight..and if it still doesn`t work..just wear your old horseshoes into financial oblivion...Not your fault,hey,markets are random...this suits you well,or so it seems....



Turst me there are cycles in forex, and by knowing them I am able to make money, we can argue about this but I am trading 10 accounts 5 of them are mine and I make money in all of them, never had a losing month for the last 5 months, so I have to beleive in what works for me.

What I am trying to say is never say never ... keep an open mind about all theories and take whatever works for you.

Dear Minime,

Before I post please see this post as no offence in any way. I am already glad that we are on normall-speaking-terms.

I have traded now already many markets and have bin on the same amount of forums. People have the tendency to see their market as nearly the only market. They have some sort of a marriage or engagement with it.

The forex has daily the most money circulated. But 95% of that money comes in average from 5 banks. That means that very few privat traders are trading that market (compared to other markets).

If you go to paltalk.com and look in the "day trading section" you will find only 2 rooms that are involved with forex but many others on the ES or ER.

How comes... because very small amount of privat people are occupied with forex and a lot more people are involved with the ES then the YM then the ER then stocks then FX.

THere are at least 200 countrys that have an index. On that index there are at least 20 stocks. That makes already 4000 price settings. There are hundreds of different markets. There hundred of thousands stocks and different call and put options etc.....

What I mean is that the whole markethas letterly hundred of thousands price setings.

Do yourself a favour, and again please do not see this as a challange and you do not need to show your results to me or post them here, but place your system on a few globex futures that are also open 23hours/day. Like the ES or QM or gold or YM and see how your system performs. If it performs in the same way (more then 60% and T/P=S/L) that is already one step further to a reliable and robust system but still not the proof if markets are random or not.

If you do not have the same results is no reason to worry at all. It will indeed proof that you found some cycles in the FX market that you can predict but not that the whole market is not random.

I do not have a university degree in economics, but I have a university degree in something else, so I have the tendency to say if someone comes to me to say that he has a system that proofs to have a hitrate more then 50% over 5000 price settings but adds that he has less then 50% on an other 5000 price settings that this will be the perfect proof that the whole market moves randomly. I know that one can not give a sollid proof this way because showing results over 10K price settings is completely unrealistic.

But the proof to show that there is no randomnes is so important that one can not jump to conclusions based on 5 months results over 5 pairs on the FX market (knowing that there are hundred of thousand price settings in the whole world market).

Trust me also on this one, if you could give proof that the market does not move randomly and in an analitic way with 100% reliable proof, every university in the whole world that has a econimic faculty will invite you to give a lecture and you will be paid more then handsomly and you will receive many doctor titles.

Please see this as a honest responce and no offence. I have a system that works with an MM on the principle of randomness and my system works on all markets that I mensioned above. I do not want to compete or say that my system is better in any way. Profit is profit and what works best for each one of us is the most important. So I can only tell you that maybe a little investigation on completely different markets could help you to proof something about the randomness or the fact that you found yourself indeed an element on cycles on the forex market and that this element does or does not exist on other markets.

Friendly regards...iGoR


I have some questions...these are sincere questions (I may think I know some answers and I may be wrong or right...ok?)

...can market movement change?

...Can characteristics change? causing what seems to be trend and noise later to be randomness?

Can't cycles change to a point where if you try to put a frame around them, they will not work?...thus causing the trader to believe the market is random?

Can't there be moments of predictive consistency?


P.S. I am very interested in the replies as I want to ponder and consider my answers privatly with myself...

Dear Minime,

If you do not have the same results is no reason to worry at all. It will indeed proof that you found some cycles in the FX market that you can predict but not that the whole market is not random.

The question I struggle with is the definition of random. If you pull up a monthly chart of EJ and plot a line at 116.00 it has respected this level many times over the years. This is not random, it may not respect this level every time but more yes then no, there are many of these levels that give a trader a edge and increases the probability add in some other techniques and it is very hard to say this is random in the true meaning. In the same vein as your post Igor this isn’t meant in any other way but to present my thoughts on this. I have enjoyed reading your posts here.



Bioryhthms...........Huh what?

Random or not and what I believe is not the point I am about to make and without taking sides here, but I prefer to share Igor's thoughts on the subject at this time.

This does not mean that I will not change my mind next week or next year depending on information gained as I continue my quest to understand Forex.


How do you know when you are best personally tuned to trade the market if it is random?


I am way more cautious in my trading when my intellectual biorhythms are not in my favour, in this market use every advantage you can get.

If you don't believe me, find a decent biorhythm site and plot your biorhythms then plot your trades for the last three months and take a look at your charts for when your biggest winning and loosing streaks were in relation to your personal biorhythms?

Just something else to think about.



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