A big truth about forex


I realized that the forex market is not a straight moving market. its actually a random moving market...the only straight line is the Moving Average u see....that's what the brokers capitalize on that people will create mechanical systems based on working a straight line indicators based system and hence they would profit from the losses of traders from "which they know" is the random moving market. So we need to be more smarter in our trading approaches, hope this explanation helps and we all work to outsmart the smart ass broker/markets



nice avatar, yes forex is not a straight moving market.it's a random but not trully random it has a pattern remember 'history repeat it self' , the more your brain train with its pattern the more you can define the trend , we are here to recognize the pattern using what we called indicators


Forex Indicators Collection


With such a bold title to you thread, I was hoping for more substance in the first post, but like most of these posts, I am always disappointed.

No, Forex isn't random, it will never be, it is fundamentally driven and it will always be. If there is a direction that can be stated, then in by no means is something random, because an objective can be defined.

I would describe Forex more like a drunkard walking home from the bar. He knows where he's going, he understand what he needs to do, but on the way he might hit a couple walls and trash cans, but nonetheless he still arrives home.


Good post!

I like to use candle charts directly, don't add moving averages, because there are so many period choices, maybe every currency pair have a most suitable moving average period. How do you choose?

With such a bold title to you thread, I was hoping for more substance in the first post, but like most of these posts, I am always disappointed.

No, Forex isn't random, it will never be, it is fundamentally driven and it will always be. If there is a direction that can be stated, then in by no means is something random, because an objective can be defined.

I would describe Forex more like a drunkard walking home from the bar. He knows where he's going, he understand what he needs to do, but on the way he might hit a couple walls and trash cans, but nonetheless he still arrives home.

Well said and i hope its like that ...


IMHO if you look at the "market" yes it's pretty random but you don't trade the market do you. No no no

You trade pairs which are a microscopic part of "the market" created by the Broker/ Interbank/ or who ever and that part has a certain degree of pattern to.

I would describe Forex more like a drunkard walking home from the bar. He knows where he's going, he understand what he needs to do, but on the way he might hit a couple walls and trash cans, but nonetheless he still arrives home.

I love the description


I don't think that forex is random. In fact most of the time when you use the trading tools right you can actually see that prices obey the trend lines on the charts. And even when the trend is broken there is not much randomness. After all, if forex was random, we won't be spending so much time on our trading strategies and rules!

I realized that the forex market is not a straight moving market. its actually a random moving market...the only straight line is the Moving Average u see....that's what the brokers capitalize on that people will create mechanical systems based on working a straight line indicators based system and hence they would profit from the losses of traders from "which they know" is the random moving market. So we need to be more smarter in our trading approaches, hope this explanation helps and we all work to outsmart the smart ass broker/markets

It is not straight moving, but neither is it random, if it were it would be up and down all over the place completely unpredictable with no recognisable pattern, impossible to interpret, but as most know it moves in waves


If Forex was random...

I don't think that forex is random. In fact most of the time when you use the trading tools right you can actually see that prices obey the trend lines on the charts. And even when the trend is broken there is not much randomness.After all, if forex was random, we won't be spending so much time on our trading strategies and rules!

So,according to your argument,we could expand to.."If roulette gambling was random ,people won`t be spending so much time on it"..BUT..Roulette is random..AND,people still spend huge amounts of time and money on it...SO..where does this leaves your argument..trashbin?

I love this kind of faulty "lemming" thinking,it provides lots of fresh meat at the table ..BTW,Forex is not random,neither is your lack of critical thinking habilities,which is probably due to your country`s school system(whatever your country is,probably France,this could be applied to ANY country nowadays..no politician is interested in teaching you how to critically vote him out of power..welcome to 21st Century Fox )....try to spend less time on Forex and more on improving your critical thinking,your country won`t do it for you...actually,just the opposite.

If you don`t like it..Las Vegas has free drinks,so,you will lose your money the same,but,at least,you will enjoy the fun.

BTW..This wasn`t even intended for you,but for the hundreds of readers that could get the faulty idea that Forex is random due to your below par argument.

