Model test - page 3


Personally, when I usually create different iterations of the same program, I also create a new demo account to trade the various iterations. This is because I don't want an outlier or singular event to change my logic. But I guess if this is the very beginning of a feasibility run, and there are some glaring problems, that's when I go in and fix them.

I usually don't try to optimize an EA until I get a good few months of data recorded through various market conditions.

Kenny Rogers:
But I guess if this is the very beginning of a feasibility run, and there are some glaring problems, that's when I go in and fix them.

That's the quote of the day, Kenny. My problem seems to be that the EA is set-up to stack positions sizes well into account oblivion. You and I both know that's a "no-no".


Model Test 3 (Manual Execution)

After spending a good portion of the weekend crunching numbers and reworking code, I came back to what I had learned many times before. Trading requires a "feel", a "feel" cannot be programmed. After hours of observing visual back tests, I noticed that the EA would make money on all of the "not so obvious" scenarios. On the other hand, it would fail miserably on the "obvious" scenarios. Ironic, and frustrating.

Long story short, I will continue on with trading the new model manually. I promised myself that I would no longer day trade, due to my inability to quell the beast. However, perhaps there is a reason that I'm forced to pursue it once again. Perhaps this is the big man's way of saying... "come on you spineless turd!!! Grow some balls and gitter dun!!!.

So be it.



Pretty good day... never over reacted or lost my cool. It was rather refreshing to take pips in a calm-like manner. Taking losses did not create anger; like it used to back in the day. We'll see how well the psychology sticks tomorrow.


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I had to take some time off. My manual demo ended up in the can, and some of my old day trading demons came back to haunt me. This, in turn, affected my live (swing) trading account, and it was all down hill from there. However, I came to realize a few things in the process.

In the meantime, I have concluded that this "model test" is a bunch of nonsense. The answers I seek are in the mind, and not so much the numbers.

Good to be back and, Happy New Year to all. This concludes my experiment.