Request custom ea - page 3



May I suggest that you do not make any rash decisions on a holiday in the USA. There are less traders for the four holidays yes many traders take off Wednesday afternoon, Thursday Friday and Saturday for that means tomorrow will be weird too! Enjoy the time hard and play hard is my motto.

I generally do not trade Holidays and I usually stop on Wednesday during NFP week as the Thursday is usually dead while traders wait for the NFP report on Friday.

I do not hold trades over the weekend either, unless I must.

Also remember this is the end of the month, which also experiences weird trading on its own merit. Fund manager like to log their incentive fees and realize gains.

Just my thoughts...take it or leave it....


P.S. eventhough Banks are closed here in the US today...IBFX remains open...and they are in UTAH!

P.P.S. Isn't this a great job? Lots of days off! ☺ Get that gambling out of your system. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TRADE! (I KNOW, I KNOW ADMIT IT TRADERS GET OUT OF DENIAL)

With my broker's time, 8am = 15:00 and I want to set it to start at 15 (8am) and end at 6 (11pm). But if I set the end time to any number less than 15, it won't trade. Am I doing it wrong?

And incidentally... this system has been working beautifully for me since I came up it, every day for several weeks, averaging 200-300 pips a day, occasionally up to 400-500.... and sure enough... Murphy's Law.... as soon as I say something about it on a forum I have the worst day ever! Yesterday was horrible, I didn't lose but I didn't make anything, either.

Hopefully today will be better! (so far this morning it's looking the same as yesterday, though)

May I suggest that you do not make any rash decisions on a holiday in the USA. There are less traders for the four holidays yes many traders take off Wednesday afternoon, Thursday Friday and Saturday for that means tomorrow will be weird too! Enjoy the time hard and play hard is my motto.

I generally do not trade Holidays and I usually stop on Wednesday during NFP week as the Thursday is usually dead while traders wait for the NFP report on Friday.

I do not hold trades over the weekend either, unless I must.

Yes, this system has been really good for me, it's just so ridiculous that the day after I mention it on a forum is the worst day ever! But you're absolutely right about the holiday (and day before) not being good. I knew to expect today to be weird (although I'm in a trade now that's doing ok and am going to let the ea run today while i'm out), but hadn't thought about yesterday being off, too.

And I never used to hold a trade open over the weekend, either, because I know it can be so unpredictable and AUD/JPY (and GBP/JPY) can move hundreds of points by opening on Sunday. But then I thought... why not take advantage of it? So now I leave whatever trade I'm in on Friday afternoon open, but just before the market closes I set a 10 pip stop. So on Sunday, if it goes the wrong way the worst that will happen is I have 10 less pips than if I'd closed the trade on Friday... but if it goes in the right direction (which it does more often than not), I might gain 100-300 pips in the space of a few minutes. In fact, leaving Friday afternoon trades open has gotten to be my favorite thing, waiting to see what happens on Sunday! It's usually a great start to the week


Hi Celticheart

Set your starttime to 15:00 and your endtime to 02:00 That should be the equivalent of 08:00 to 18:00 (6pm) Should work then


This does not work at will get the execution at the current open price not the 10 pip stop and they blame it on the gap...


So on Sunday, if it goes the wrong way the worst that will happen is I have 10 less pips than if I'd closed the trade on Friday...


Celticheart, Hayseed and Fxwealth, thank you for your work.

Celticheart, I like your method for its simplicity. I would like to test it, but I trade with AlpariUK and they don't offer this pair. So, I downloaded a demo from FxDD, but I didn't find it there either. The same withIBFX. Does this mean that this pair is available only for Live accounts ? Or did I miss something ?




Hi Mariden

In the market window right click on any currency and then click on "Symbols" A new window will open and you will see a few headings there. Double click on each one until you see the AUDJPY pair. I am using Prime4x demo.

Best rgds


Celticheart, Hayseed and Fxwealth, thank you for your work.

Celticheart, I like your method for its simplicity. I would like to test it, but I trade with AlpariUK and they don't offer this pair. So, I downloaded a demo from FxDD, but I didn't find it there either. The same withIBFX. Does this mean that this pair is available only for Live accounts ? Or did I miss something ?



Hi! I see your question about the pair was answered.

Wanted to add that the ea still needs refinement. It is set to "every tick" mode and it takes trades that I would not take if looking at the chart visually (like when the 3MA just barely touches the 100 LWMA then moves back away from it).

I tried making the ea set to "every bar" where it would only take signals at the end of the candle, but the way it is written now, it won't open the trades. I know how to change it to make it open and close trades after the candle close, but there is a delay.... if it is in an open trade, it will close it after the end of the candle with the signal, but then it won't open another one until after the end of the candle after that. It is not immediate like it is in "every tick" mode.

So if anyone can figure out how to make it only open/close a trade after the candle close, but do both at the same time, let me know

Even then it will probably take some trades I might wait on if looking at it manually. Like when the 3MA crosses the 100LWMA, but then the next bar the price goes back again quite a bit and the 3MA would be right on top of the 100LWMA.... I would wait and see if trading manually, but the ea would open the trade.


Thanks a lot to everybody: it worked.

And I feel really stupid because it also works with Alpari !

I will backtest Celticheart's system manually and with the EA this week end.

Have a nice week end.


This does not work at will get the execution at the current open price not the 10 pip stop and they blame it on the gap... ES

Oh..... that's too bad. I have not had any problems (so far) with FXDD, either with a demo or live account. Very pleased (so far) with how they fill orders. Been with them a few months live, demo traded a lot longer.


Celticheart, Hayseed and Fxwealth, thank you for your work.

Celticheart, I like your method for its simplicity. I would like to test it, but I trade with AlpariUK and they don't offer this pair. So, I downloaded a demo from FxDD, but I didn't find it there either. The same withIBFX. Does this mean that this pair is available only for Live accounts ? Or did I miss something ?



oh, one more thing.... I don't normally ever need to do this, but during the holiday it's been so choppy, probably better to set either a tighter breakeven stop (like 15-20 pips) or even a take profit at 20 pips. The pair just hasn't moved much in one direction the last couple of days. If you set up the template and look at the charts for the last couple of weeks (during 8am-11pm EST, whatever that is with your broker), you'll see it's normally quite different. Many trades with this system easily go over 200 pips.