Bar Pivot System


This is just an idea I have been trying to trade but you have to have a very quick trigger finger.

Attached is a chart for you to look at.

I have been using the

H+L+C/3 to get the bar pivot point.

if the open is below the pivot then sell if open above the pivot then buy

TP ?

SL ? & Reversals

Kelly for compounding?

it's very simple

please let me know what you think.



bar_pivot.gif  38 kb  71 kb

I think we should be glad that you share the system with us. Just that.


here is the EA I will start forward testing this week.

let me know what you think

pea2.mq4  10 kb

Well done Beno!



thanks FerruFx

could you perhaps have a look at the mm excel sheet and let me know if it's at all able to be coded


You defined which scalp is for Forex Beno.

This system and EA have future.

pea.gif  9 kb  275 kb

I'm completely missing something here. How are you getting the pivot for each bar?


have a look at post one. imho a pivot is a point of potential change. and in trading all we have is potential nothing is a sure thing.

cheers beno


Of course I looked at post 1. Goodbye.


Gidday robp

Sorry for coming across a bit short I did not mean to offend.

But it is as simple as High+Low+Close/3. from the previous bar

Any way attached is some back tests using FXDD (for what back tests are really worth)

Again sorry

cheers Beno


What I was trying to ask is, what are using to determine the hlc/3 of the previous bar? Are you using an indi to calculate that for each bar?