When will it end?


During the 1998 financial crisis, the World Bank was at hand to provide rescue package with strict conditions attached.

This time around, there was a notable silence on the World Bank part, or that the newspaper I read had not captured the statements.

Can US pump more money i.e. hundreds of billion without affecting its credibility?

Does the US indeed such a rich nation that it could have trillions of money?

Is the trillions of money from US then is in the reserves of most central banks, spent in the wars and now pump into the financial system has real value or just perceive value?

Just incredible!


if you want to know whose controlling the market just follow the money, you don't need to go far just to realize that the links will leads you to China.

lots of the US stocks & securities have been bought by Bank of China or Chinese business men ... and that is another ticking bomb

if you want to know whose controlling the market just follow the money, you don't need to go far just to realize that the links will leads you to China. lots of the US stocks & securities have been bought by Bank of China or Chinese business men ... and that is another ticking bomb

Agreed. Look where AIG went running too.............CHINA.

.....Does the US indeed such a rich nation that it could have trillions of money?.....

The greenback is a fiat-currency, meaning that the US government has ordered that it is the only legal tender and that all business must be conducted in dollars. This greenback is also backed by absolutely nothing, not gold, not silver, not even sand! - it is not a simplification (as many assume) to say that the Fed. can and does print as much of this as it wants, for little more than the price of the paper and ink! In other words, they have an endless supply of this 'money' which even common sense will dictate that something that can be sourced endlessly, can have little intrinsic value - hence, the greenback is essentially worthless! What cannot be ignored though is what the greenback is worth in 'real terms', ie. relative to other currencies, so the more that is printed, the less it is worth, again, in 'real terms'...

Moreover, people either do not know or tend to forget that the Federal Reserve is not owned by the American people, it is a collection of privately-owned world banks - the only connection the American people have to the Fed. is that they are compelled to pay it the ever-increasing interest on the already mammoth principal amount of 'funny money' the Fed. has lent to the US government!

And there the relationship ends, it is the Fed. that ends up with a 'win-win' situation - able to print money for nothing, while demanding exorbitant interest rates in return - not the American people, who for their trouble are presently lumbered with over $10 trillion in debt they can never pay off, while being compelled to continue paying the interest on it, otherwise the US would be seen to default on their loan, equivalent to saying the US was bankrupt! Which is also the inevitable consequence, it is just a matter of how long the inevitable can be postponed...


Well I really hope the president can make the financial bill pass pushing congress to approve it quick. I believe that any economy that can inject that kind of money into its economy is sure to survive in the end. Not many economies can do that.

The greenback is a fiat-currency, meaning that the US government has ordered that it is the only legal tender and that all business must be conducted in dollars. This greenback is also backed by absolutely nothing, not gold, not silver, not even sand! - it is not a simplification (as many assume) to say that the Fed. can and does print as much of this as it wants, for little more than the price of the paper and ink! In other words, they have an endless supply of this 'money' which even common sense will dictate that something that can be sourced endlessly, can have little intrinsic value - hence, the greenback is essentially worthless! What cannot be ignored though is what the greenback is worth in 'real terms', ie. relative to other currencies, so the more that is printed, the less it is worth, again, in 'real terms'...

Moreover, people either do not know or tend to forget that the Federal Reserve is not owned by the American people, it is a collection of privately-owned world banks - the only connection the American people have to the Fed. is that they are compelled to pay it the ever-increasing interest on the already mammoth principal amount of 'funny money' the Fed. has lent to the US government!

And there the relationship ends, it is the Fed. that ends up with a 'win-win' situation - able to print money for nothing, while demanding exorbitant interest rates in return - not the American people, who for their trouble are presently lumbered with over $10 trillion in debt they can never pay off, while being compelled to continue paying the interest on it, otherwise the US would be seen to default on their loan, equivalent to saying the US was bankrupt! Which is also the inevitable consequence, it is just a matter of how long the inevitable can be postponed...

But don't think the US will fail alone! It will take many others with it. It isn't just a US problem.