Moving Average Ribbon - page 4

people like it

I'm one of those people.


Hello, I'd also love to see both of mladen's indicators go to MTF.

Preferably, I'd like it to follow the "@Ratio" method (see attached) if anyone has seen the thread? I can't seem to pull up any search results for it, maybe it was in the elite section or another site.

Anybody willing to help will earn my utmost respect - maybe I'll share some of my trading secrets with you!

The appearance of these indicators are beautiful on charts with lots of lines on them, since they can stack on one-another with little fuss. A nice thing to do is to set color to (None) on one of the zig-zagging lines to clean it up.

My indicators at this point are horrible to manage since I have to go in order applying them - one mix up and its back to square 1 again. If this could go MTF in any way I would be able to take numerous indicators I use for the same effect down to 1 - more efficiently and with less fuss.

Another application of this indicator is to make channels using high price & low price fields for each MA. Drawing the channel on smaller TFs works great - it shows bounces, breaks and gives more detail whether the channel boundaries are being respected.

Thanks, I look forward to responses.

PS: This is my first request in all my years lurking around TSD! (Thanks mladen!!)

Apologies if the attached indicator is for the elite section, I no longer subscribe to it so I can't really check if it is there or somewhere else?



And ma ribbon 60 min on m15 chart


ya, I agreed, it optimise the ribbon -- quite well esp in lower TF (I changed the color scheme)


3 colors MA Ribbon


This is just to replace the single colors of MA.

Define the colors of lines to black or none,

then attach MA with applied price, with same periods.

Thanks for this great indicator!


MA ribbon filled by Mladen with shift ?

Is it possible to add to this great indicator made by Mladen a shift module? I would like to shift the Moving Averages with filled to the right.




Here you go



Thank you

Thank you a lot.


Hello, I'd also love to see both of mladen's indicators go to MTF.

Preferably, I'd like it to follow the "@Ratio" method (see attached) if anyone has seen the thread? I can't seem to pull up any search results for it, maybe it was in the elite section or another site.

Anybody willing to help will earn my utmost respect - maybe I'll share some of my trading secrets with you!

The appearance of these indicators are beautiful on charts with lots of lines on them, since they can stack on one-another with little fuss. A nice thing to do is to set color to (None) on one of the zig-zagging lines to clean it up.

My indicators at this point are horrible to manage since I have to go in order applying them - one mix up and its back to square 1 again. If this could go MTF in any way I would be able to take numerous indicators I use for the same effect down to 1 - more efficiently and with less fuss.

Another application of this indicator is to make channels using high price & low price fields for each MA. Drawing the channel on smaller TFs works great - it shows bounces, breaks and gives more detail whether the channel boundaries are being respected.

Thanks, I look forward to responses.

PS: This is my first request in all my years lurking around TSD! (Thanks mladen!!)

Apologies if the attached indicator is for the elite section, I no longer subscribe to it so I can't really check if it is there or somewhere else?

Hi Lugner

Thanks to Mladen and his help here's the filled version and know its not the ratio version but to get that you have to join elite section.


Thank you mladen, for ma ribbon with shift.