Review of Strategic Tips on Milking the Major Currency Pairs in Live Forex Trading - page 7



i dont get the idea you showing about thw system. first, where are

those numbers come from ? i looked at the charts that you attached those numbers (2.0168,

2.0050, 2.0089). sencond, is this same as the 3 ducks system ?

Me too, has been quite a while since that chart was posted,I must say... those

numbers come from the chart, where we added/subtracted the range of price from its virtual

entry point..second, am not really familiar with the 3 ducks cant say for now..

Wow nice trade guys!

yea, t2wfx, we try to get better and better by the day..


Helloo Stallion,after going through your posts am sorely tempted but still a little

doubt,you were telling the college kid about profits,drawdowns and streaks.whatabout

yours?how sure are we that you are profitable with your strategy,at least 10% profitable a

month.? any recent performance reports to back em up?nice work you doing on this


Yes Lance, you can get a sample detailed performance report on my strategies as an attached

file below.Just click on it ,okay...This was on a starting balance of $10k as at October

this year, in which the total net profit is $3k plus..relative drawdown of 8.69% over a 3

month period..that should be approximately 10% per month on the average. Not too bad...action speak louder

than words.


For the short term, a la mahir,we could put a sell stop gbpusd @ 1.4618..1st target @

1.4595..2nd target

@ 1.4560..3rd target @ 1.4525..

For the medium term, we put a sell stop on GBPUSD @ 1.4465..1st target @ 1.4425..2nd target

@ 1.4385...3rd target @ 1.4305...5o pip sl away...Remember to take half profits when +20

pips away,while shifting sl to entry.

To all the traders in the house, with style and grace...allow me to lace these lyrical

possies in your purses..which price moves, would move down to bearish...the back of the

keyboard is the place where you gonna questions asking...trades passing..profits

blasting..but I jus cant quit...because some of these brokers need some dose of ethics,

check this..

you can put a sell stop on gbpusd @ 1.4680...1st target @ 1.4655..2nd target @ 1.4635...3rd

target @ 1.4540 50 pips away...

Friends todays inventories provided by AVAFX are showing the market is volital.

yea, jeff, market have been pretty much volatile since the last half of this year..Nice

observation, though..

Quote from increasenow:

TO: ForexGreenLand

Great thread!

Questions for you:

1-looks like you are consumed with the GBP/USD...why only this currency? you trade


2-do you only trade micro lots or standard size lots ever?I seen you neveer trade even 1


3-you made $3,000K since you opened the you have a job or other investments you

live off?

4-where do you live and what hours do you trade Forex?

Great trading to you!!

Helloo there, increasenow,

from the tone of your comment, you seem to be hiding some heavy sarcascm beneath velvet

gloves, or shall we say , ''cat's paw''? maybe its just a reflection of your inner mental

processes at work...well, I'm in a good mood so I'll humour you for now and give you some


1- consumed with GBPUSD? What do you think this is, alcoholic consumption frenzy? Trading is a

wide field like medicine,law,or any other profession out pays to specialize in

one or two currencies well and be profitable, than to be jack of all trades and master of

loss..ever heard of comparative advantage? Warren Buffet said something along the line of

diversification are for those that dont really know what they are doing...put your eggs in

few baskets as possible , and watch them like a in order words, I trade all

currencies and I specialize on the cable, just like I said on my begining post here.

2 - I manage forex accounts ranging from tens of thousands minimum, to millions of

dollars..That sample detailed report you saw was based on how much return of investment(ROI)

gained monthly from a minimum of 10k. Due to my style of trading, risk and money management

is of top priority in the first objective of preservation of capital.

The second objective of making profits comes next.I want you to understand that in trading,

garbage in, garbage out...right thinking, right product..

Never risk more than 2% to 3% of your capital in any trade...For a 10k account, dont risk

more than 200 dollars..for a 100k account, dont risk more than 2000 dollars, for a $1m

account, dont risk more than 20k in a trade..

So in the context of this sample, why should a professional trader use 1 standard lot on a

10k account, if risk mgt suggest $200(2%) risk on a single trade for that equity ? You have

the potential of losing $2,000 on a trade, which is 20% of the 10k equity, instead of just

$200 or 2%..That 20% keeps you in the game for just 5 times, while the 2% keeps you in the

game for 50 times...Devrim, a forex trader lost 90% of his million dollar account because he

wasnt using stops...learn from the mistakes of others..maybe you should go back and read


Drawdown and Maximum Drawdown? | 13th Grade: Money Management | Learn Forex Trading

The higher your equity, the better capitalized you are...Dont be fooled by adverts telling

you to trade forex for $10 or $100 or claiming you can make gazillions out of a palty amount

...doesnt work that way...from your name,increasenow,dont be greedy,

3- 3k from a 10k account in 3 months amounting to an average of 10 % monthly, is not too bad

in my opinion, considering the last 3 months have been the most volatile and uncertainity

filled period in the markets, with the global economic crises,recession troubles and bad

news transmitted everywhere.. ..

Traditionally, months from October through December, have always been very hectic for

traders...most rarely trade during the period as banks, hedge funds square off positions to

the detriment of the undercapitalized and inexperienced traders.

For the 3 month to a year period, bonds have been below 2%, Treasuries Bills rates have been

slashed to pieces and stock index have been on negative for the last 9 months why

make jest of a 30% return in 3 months, if you are not a court jester?

Composite Bond Rates: Bonds Center - Yahoo! Finance

Treasury Bills | Constant Maturity Index Rate Yield Bonds Notes US 10 5 1 Year Rates

For the record, that 10k account is just a SAMPLE of the other currency based accounts that

is being managed, amongst other investments.

4- Where do I live? Though trading is a lonely business, No stalking , please...


Hi Stallion,thanks for the report,am considered taking up your managed account service,if

those profit trades are sustainable in the longterm.i understand the risks of trading so am

not looking for wild returns or whatnot, just something consistent i need.thanks once again


no probs, lancelot...

[09:09:41 08/12/08] Stalion : helloo there everyone

[09:24:35 08/12/08] klho83 : hi Stal

[09:51:36 08/12/08] fasi26 : hi alz

[10:10:02 08/12/08] Stalion : hi fasi

[10:11:18 08/12/08] Stalion : our sunday trade didnt work out as planned, so we put a buy

stop on gbpusd @ 1.5045..1st target @ 1.5105..2nd target @ 1.5165...3rd target @ 1.5225...50

pip sl

[10:15:25 08/12/08] klho83 : OK Thanks!

[10:24:08 08/12/08] fasi26 : hi allz

[10:29:01 08/12/08] fasi26 : shuld v go for EUR/USD sell stop

[10:36:48 08/12/08] fasi26 : helloooooooooooo

[10:42:08 08/12/08] fasi26 : Stalion?????????

[10:46:05 08/12/08] Stalion : hi

[10:47:34 08/12/08] fasi26 : hi sir how ru

[10:48:28 08/12/08] Stalion : am okay

[10:48:31 08/12/08] Stalion : and you?

[10:48:40 08/12/08] fasi26 : same here thnx

[10:49:22 08/12/08] Stalion : we also put a sell stop on gbpusd , as a hedge, @

1.4945....1st target @ 1.4900,2nd target@ 1.4855,3rd target @ 1.4815....50 pip sl away

[10:49:27 08/12/08] fasi26 : eur/usd ?

[10:51:40 08/12/08] fasi26 : hmmmm i entered

[10:51:53 08/12/08] fasi26 : but i m luking for eur.usd any tip

[10:53:05 08/12/08] Stalion : for eurodollar, a sell stop @ 1.2869...1st target @

1.2847...2nd target@ 1.2825....50 pip sl away

[10:53:13 08/12/08] Stalion : hi avak

[10:53:26 08/12/08] fasi26 : hmmm k

[10:54:58 08/12/08] fasi26 : i got 1.4900 ... 1st trgt @ 1.4850

[10:58:50 08/12/08] fasi26 : ?

[10:59:58 08/12/08] fasi26 : did u see eur.usd forum

[11:00:24 08/12/08] Stalion : nope...where?

[11:00:37 08/12/08] fasi26 : dailyfx forum

[11:01:25 08/12/08] Stalion : whats happening there?

[11:08:29 08/12/08] Stalion : hellloooo, fasi....?please wake up....2nd target hit

[11:16:50 08/12/08] Stalion : not yet.....

[11:26:32 08/12/08] Stalion : remember to take half profits after +20 pips ahead...

[11:26:39 08/12/08] Stalion : then shift sl to entry

[11:37:52 08/12/08] Avak1988 : hello Stalion

[11:38:27 08/12/08] Avak1988 : I just try to understand what is going on and how do you work


sell stop on gbpusd @ 14745...1st target @ 14705..2nd target @ 14665...3rd target@

14625...also as a hedge, we put a buy stop @ 14825...1st target @ 14865...2nd target @

14900...50 pip sl on both..

Please remember to take half profits after you are +20 pips while shifting stop loss to

entry. And 15 to 25 pip trailing stop should be used after 2 nd have hit..

(Please remember to take half profits after you are +20 pips while shifting stop loss to

entry. And 15 to 25 pip trailing stop should be used after 2 nd have hit..)

i dont understand ur words????/////

Helloo fasi, lets illustrate ,shall we?

For example, we have a buy stop @ 1.5000, where stop loss was 50 pips away, @ our buy stop was triggered and price gets to 1.5020 or more..THAT is when you adjust your stop loss level from 1.4950, up to the buy entry level of 1.5000..then taking half profits means closing half your position(s)..if you entered with 1 minilot, you close at 0.5....if 2 minilots, you close at 1 minilot...sequentially...failure to apply this simple risk management technique while trading, is the cause of so many unnecessary losses..

Hope you now understand..

Hi Stalion, You've always done nice jobs, and i've always missed your live comment and signal.

I am in Australia, not sure what normal time you would give comment or tell people how to trade.

I think you are fantastic and really want to follow what you have got. Every time when I got up here, you have already disconnected.

Please let me know.. i need your help..>_<.

Hi Jimmy...thanks for your mail....howz the famous Down Under?....The Land Of The Antipodes...hope you guys are treating the aboringes well over,am really humbled by your comments, mon ami...London Session is mostly where I'm at...3am EST...

[11:29:04 10/12/08] Stalion : hi fasi

[11:35:42 10/12/08] klho83 : Hi Stal

[11:49:03 10/12/08] fasi26 : stalion????

[11:49:08 10/12/08] Stalion : how was trading yesterday?

[11:51:15 10/12/08] fasi26 : i didnt trade

[11:52:11 10/12/08] Stalion : cool

[11:54:09 10/12/08] fasi26 : bcoz it's hlidays here so i m enjoying 2 days of eid

[11:54:56 10/12/08] Stalion : yesterday price got down to our 1st target on our sell stop, before going back up

[11:56:04 10/12/08] Stalion : but if your buy stop had triggered, you would have been stopped out....and a reentry today would get you to 1st target @ 1.4865 on our buy stop entry

[11:56:16 10/12/08] Stalion: Happy Sallah, fasi

[12:01:30 10/12/08] fasi26 : wht was the impact of obama's speech

[12:04:19 10/12/08] Stalion: didnt know he had a speech....what was it all about, fasi?

[12:05:16 10/12/08] fasi26 : it's about new economic plan of america

[12:05:24 10/12/08] Stalion : hi K

[12:05:36 10/12/08] fasi26 : and he still wana spend more money for the infrastructure of america

[12:09:38 10/12/08] Stalion : YEA...LIKE fdr DURING THE gREAT dEPRESSION OF THE 1930'S

[12:11:09 10/12/08] fasi26 : yes he said that more money can be spend as campared to 1950;s

[12:11:31 10/12/08] fasi26 : and economy will go down more before taking high

[12:11:55 10/12/08] Stalion : President Frank Delano Roosevelt did massive reconstruction to overcome the US Depression

[12:17:58 10/12/08] Stalion : by pumping more money into the system through effective Reconstruction, he emplys more workers...this is like the faceoff BETWEEN EMPLOYMENT AND INFLATION...FINE, TOO MUCH DOLLARS MIGHT BRING INFLATION, BUT LOW UNEMPLOYMENT RATES ENCOURAGES GOOD CONSUMER SENTIMENT, WHICH BRINGS IN HIGHER DEMAND AND PRODUCTIVITY , WHICH TRANSLATES TO


[12:46:51 10/12/08] fasi26 : hmmmmm ur right

[13:17:37 10/12/08] Stalion : hi dj

[13:19:44 10/12/08] Stalion : did you get our buy stop?

[13:23:45 10/12/08] djcarlos : yes.. thanks... but I was in the car... and now the 2 targets are hits

[13:24:25 10/12/08] djcarlos : in other trade ....

[13:26:22 10/12/08] Stalion: yep...correct...

[13:27:12 10/12/08] Stalion: hope you are going to be around when we have winning trades, dj....for that offsetts any losses we might have

[13:29:26 10/12/08] djcarlos : yes... I always have my laptop with wi-fi.... but now i dont got it with me

[21:54:53 14/12/08] Stalion : So for today Sunday the 14th, we put a sell stop on GBPUSD @ 1.4946...1st target @ 1.4923..2nd target @ 1.4905..3rd target @ 1.4884...

[22:01:53 14/12/08] Stalion : also as a hedge, we put a buy stop on GBPUSD @ 1.5005..1st target @ 1.5035...2nd target @ 1.5065...3rd target @ 1.5095..both with 50 pip stop loss away



0.01314+1.4815=1.4946(60% SELL WINDOW OR SELL ENTRY)

1.4988(C) - 1.4815(B) = 0.01730

0.6*0.01730= 0.01038

1.4988-0.01038= 1.4884(3RD TARGET/60% BUY WINDOW)



[21:54:53 14/12/08] Stalion : So for today Sunday the 14th, we put a sell stop on GBPUSD @

1.4946...1st target @ 1.4923..2nd target @ 1.4905..3rd target @ 1.4884...

[22:01:53 14/12/08] Stalion : also as a hedge, we put a buy stop on GBPUSD @ 1.5005..1st

target @ 1.5035...2nd target @ 1.5065...3rd target @ 1.5095..both with 50 pip stop loss away

[08:39:33 15/12/08] fasi26 : thnx stalion but got it late

[08:41:47 15/12/08] Stalion : no probs, mon ami

[08:42:08 15/12/08] Stalion : helloo everyone

[08:43:18 15/12/08] fasi26 : oh gud to c u how ru

[08:43:50 15/12/08] Stalion : price hit our buy stop @1.5005 this morning, and went straight

to our 2nd target of 1.5065...thats 60 pips in less than 4 hours

[08:45:20 15/12/08] fasi26 : actually when u snt me msg timehere is 2 am n i was sleeping

[08:45:50 15/12/08] fasi26 : wht abt Eur Usd ???

[08:46:08 15/12/08] Stalion : no probs....more opprtunities to come

[08:46:38 15/12/08] fasi26 : yeah

[08:46:52 15/12/08] fasi26 : u cant get all opportunities

[08:47:27 15/12/08] fasi26 : all the time in from of market screen no way yaar

[08:50:23 15/12/08] realjimmy : So happy to c u guys here..

[08:50:33 15/12/08] Stalion : lol....80% of the time, price is on consolidation range....we

get more opportunities on the 20% breakout in price

[08:50:54 15/12/08] Stalion : helloo there, jimmy...

[08:51:13 15/12/08] realjimmy : hello Stalion....

[08:51:23 15/12/08] Stalion : howz everything going?

[08:51:49 15/12/08] realjimmy : nightmare.....

[08:52:28 15/12/08] Stalion : nightmare? I dont understand

[08:53:12 15/12/08] fasi26 : jimmy wht is ur nightmare wuld u share wid us

[08:53:20 15/12/08] realjimmy : market always goes against me....

[08:53:33 15/12/08] Stalion : for eurodollar, we put a sell stop @ 1.3451...1st target @

1.3425..2nd target@ 1.3405...3rd target@ 1.3405..

[08:53:51 15/12/08] fasi26 : no jimmy market never goes against anyone

[08:54:04 15/12/08] fasi26 : person against it

[08:54:27 15/12/08] fasi26 : this is for now Stalion

[08:54:53 15/12/08] realjimmy : i know...that's why i am still in my nightmare...

[08:56:15 15/12/08] realjimmy : hi Stalion, what's about Stop Loss??

[08:59:16 15/12/08] realjimmy : oh my god.. it's unbelievable....going down immediately..

[09:00:49 15/12/08] Stalion : 50 pip sl as usual...for now

[09:01:23 15/12/08] Stalion : dats trading for you, jimmy....very fast nowadays....

[09:02:17 15/12/08] realjimmy : thanks so much...Stalion..

[09:02:25 15/12/08] realjimmy : you are my hero....

[09:02:42 15/12/08] realjimmy : i think i have found the 'light'

[09:02:52 15/12/08] Stalion : hey, jimmy....easy there....God is our hero

[09:03:08 15/12/08] Stalion : To Him We Give All Glory

[09:03:25 15/12/08] realjimmy : Very Happy

[09:03:53 15/12/08] fasi26 : right Stalion

[09:04:16 15/12/08] Stalion : yes.....mon ami...I dont claim to have the so called ''Holy

Grail''....just understanding market bahaviour, dats all..

[09:04:23 15/12/08] fasi26 : jimmy when 1 dooor is closed 2 more doors opens on other side

[09:05:52 15/12/08] Stalion : dat doesnt mean there r no losing trades...dats where risk mgt

comes in...please remember to take half profits when +20 pips ahead and shift sl to entry

[09:07:10 15/12/08] fasi26 : i gottcha Stalion Razz dnt wry

[09:07:31 15/12/08] fxjedi : hi all

[09:07:46 15/12/08] fasi26 : hi fxjedi

[09:09:05 15/12/08] fxjedi : thanks for the sms yesterday night , Stal, I made 60 pips from


[09:10:03 15/12/08] Stalion : cool

[09:10:28 15/12/08] Stalion : hope I didnt disturb your sleep?

[09:11:10 15/12/08] fxjedi : what? when dollars are concerned? hell no!

[09:11:16 15/12/08] fxjedi : lol

[09:23:22 15/12/08] fxjedi : 1st target hit on EURUSD

[09:24:48 15/12/08] Stalion : cool

[09:24:51 15/12/08] fasi26 : yea cut 1 lot took half profit

[09:25:03 15/12/08] Stalion : hope fasi took his trade

[09:25:26 15/12/08] fasi26 : i took mona mi

[09:25:53 15/12/08] Stalion : great

[09:27:31 15/12/08] Stalion : GBPUSD looks like its in a range

[09:43:57 15/12/08] fasi26 : stalion u said that if market +20 pps cut it half profit n

amend the sl to sl entry.... but wht abt the other half lot where to hold it how long to

hold it

[09:44:27 15/12/08] Stalion : dont know when, fasi...

[09:45:24 15/12/08] Stalion : the other half lot is held for the 2nd and/or 3rd still shave off half of that half lot when at 2nd or 3rd target

[09:28:37 16/12/08] Stalion : howz it going, fasi?

[09:33:36 16/12/08] fasi26 : hi

[09:33:41 16/12/08] fasi26 : it's great

[09:34:55 16/12/08] Stalion : yesterday price on the gbpusd went for both our sell and buy

stops, yielding more than 150 pips in the process...eurodollar went down to 1st target b4

shooting up..

[09:35:35 16/12/08] fasi26 : oh nice

[09:41:03 16/12/08] Stalion : for today, we put a sell stop on gbpusd @ 1.5245...1st target

@ 1.5205...2nd target@ 1.5165...3rd target @ 1.5125...50 pip sl

[09:41:15 16/12/08] fxjedi : thanks,Stal

[09:54:45 16/12/08] fasi26 : gbp/usd is close to 1st target

[09:57:04 16/12/08] fasi26 : i cut the half +20pips holding half position

[09:58:05 16/12/08] fasi26 : yeah yeah yh yeah yeh

[10:12:25 16/12/08] fxjedi : do i reenter now,stal, am stopped out on profit

Very cool stuff ! Thanks for it

cool...airick, price on the cable and other currencies, including stocks moved more than 300

pips on the US Fed rate cut of 0.25 basis points.Here's the chart putting the posterior into

posterity,another unsolved mystery going down in history

Stocks surge after Fed cuts rates to record lows - Yahoo! News


Helloo folks, price on the GBPUSD gave us some clues, technical analysis wise,on its 300 pip

move by the 1-2-3 bottom, which foretold a bullish move..coupled with the fundamental news

that the US was cutting interest rates..and voila...yumm yumm...

" Dont step in front of a moving train " ...:idea:

Nice one, roguetrader....but please can you give more explanation on your chart?

So for today, wednesday, we put a Sell stop on gbpusd @ 15575...1st target @ 15545...2nd

target @ 15505...3rd target @ 15430...50 pip sl.....remember to take half profits when +20

pips ahead, then shift sl to entry level..


So for today, wednesday, we put a Sell stop on gbpusd @ 15575...1st target @ 15545...2nd

target @ 15505...3rd target @ 15430...50 pip sl.....remember to take half profits when +20

pips ahead, then shift sl to entry level..
In yesterdays market there were some clear indications that it will remain down for few hours and give bounce back but not too much.

Quite right,sam...If you noticed on the chart, you could see the 1-2-3 bottom below and the

head and shoulders pattern above...They are both reversal chart patterns,telling us price

has a high probability of reversing direction from its prevailing trend..The 50 pip stop

loss was at the left shoulder, and before we know it, 200 more pips, after 3rd target, was


Friends this market says that always travel in a running train.

Means trade the movements in the market you will definitely make profits. But with patience

don't hurry.

Patience is a virtue,especially in the markets,right, jeff?

Dear @AiRiCk;

What is cool?

am I missing something? :-?

1)It's not an EA

2)It's not even a System.

3)It does not show or teach some strategies.

4)Long chat conversations does not mean anything for us.

5)He is reviewing his own business. lol!!

Free Advertisement! ~X(

I been with these skills, crystal spills, hot bills, in Brazils..about African Black

Dreams..makes it hard to figure me..some traders be tickle Fidel Castro..undercover

Dannie Brasco..sound like MACDs, the prayer get a grip on the whip..playerhaters

getaway or my pen would spray..scribble off till I empty..dont tempt me..only to say I thank

thee..its all about the benjies..

@ Wise?TX

1- Would you give control of your live account to an EA? Would you board a flight across the

Atlantic with just robots to navigate and NO human pilots?

2- Google 'chart pattern recognition and price projection strategy' and see whether it is a


us, to a considerable extent, where price is going and how far it might get there..

If it is not a system, how come you see these charts showing more profits than losses for

months now? Is it possible to make consistent profits WITHOUT, not just a strategy but a

SOUND STRATEGY? Or did I go and meet brokers and tell them ''hey, buddies, please fix some

green dotted entry lines and red dotted stop loss lines for the benefit of our bronco billy


3- I think you need some glasses,Man...or maybe just remove the negativity and focus on this

thread with clarity of mind..1-2-3 bottoms,Head and Shoulder patterns, 60% BUY/SELL


shown and demonstrated here...Man, you need to stop popping too much Valium pills, wake up

and smell the roses.

4- Transcripts of live forex trading conversations are archived on forexgreenland, as a

source of practical lessons to students that are ready and willing to learn. Last time I

checked, I guess it was a free world. Meaning is relative, according to individual

perception and value, my friend.

5- Trading is a business and should be treated as such..Ever read the Parable Of the Talents

in the Bible? Please do.. Though this thread is about REVIEWS OF STRATEGIC TIPS,no one is

under any obligation to give live forex alerts as PREVIEWS. It is just to demonstrate the


Astonishingly, I bought John Crane's book some years ago and gained much from it..I didnt go

around thinking why he was promoting his business through his website or why should he be

offering his commodities services to traders..What I'm concerned with is''VALUE''..and the

results are clear to see..Dont be like that man in winter, next to his stove,telling it to

give him some heat...The stove said '''Wood''...The man insisted on getting heat first

before piling woods.Who's deceiving who? As you breathe in, you also breathe out..thats how

life is..

Warren Buffett, one of the smartest and most successful businessmen of our time, was

recently asked what he thought was the best investment anyone could make in these so called

difficult times.

His answer was fast and simple ...

"The most important investment you can make is in yourself."

That could very well be the best advice Mr. Buffett has ever offered. If ever there was a

time to take control of your future, it's now.

Like you said,maybe you are really missing something,tx..something spongy and mushy..If your

IQ gets below 50, SELL.. just kidding
hey wow hw much time does it took to writ?? whatever i read some how n was good keep going......

Hi sagar, thanks for your mail.. it actually takes around 2 hours to draw and write the

charts while trading is on..for me, the thrill and challenge of multitasking helps in my

trading environment which brings a fulfilling sense of being. Posting live trades in front

of a global audience, where the mainstream perception tends to be ''a trader is as good as

his last trade'', is all good..for true traders makes you feel and do good. We should all

strive to seek balance in all things we do.

so for friday, we could see a mini 123 bottom formation on GBPUSD15 min a buy stop

@ 1.5090...1st target @ 1.5165..2nd target @ 15244..3rd target @ @ 1.5015


so for friday, we could see a mini 123 bottom formation on GBPUSD15 min a buy stop

@ 1.5090...1st target @ 1.5165..2nd target @15244..3rd target @ @ 1.5015
Today being Friday and last day of trading for the week it can be a

mixed day for forex market. This i have been observing in the last few months that Friday

has been some times mixed and some times a black day for forex traders.

Yes,though this time, our 75 pips on our 1st target would have offsetted any ''Black

Friday'' losses..

Helloo folks, We thank God for bringing us into a brand new week...Most would call it the

Christmas Week so I'm wishing all a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year ahead.

As we approach Monday, we could see 3 crosses on the GBPUSD 15m chart, the first candle

upturned. That was a region of indecision that paused price advance to the upside.To be or

Not To Be?

MACD is giving us positive divergence to price, which is more or less, a green light.

We put a buy stop @ 1.4960..1st target @ 1.4999..2nd target @ 1.5049..3rd target @ 1.5125...

hi Stallion,pls tell me wht is trailing stop basically n hw n when to use it .and i noticed dat u mostly hav trade in Gbp/usd.... dnt u hav trades in eur/usd

Helloo fasi, you could check out the userguide on any mt4 platform..Here's an excerpt:

''Stop Loss is intended for reducing of losses where the symbol price moves in an

unprofitable direction. If the position becomes profitable, Stop Loss can be manually

shifted to a break-even level. To automate this process, Trailing Stop was created. This

tool is especially useful when price changes strongly in the same direction or when it is

impossible to watch the market continuously for some reason.

Trailing Stop is always attached to an open position and works in client terminal, not at

the server like Stop Loss, for example. To set the trailing stop, one has to execute the

open position context menu command of the same name in the "Terminal" window. Then one has

to select the desirable value of distance between the Stop Loss level and the current price

in the list opened. Only one trailing stop can be set for each open position.

After the above actions have been performed, at incoming of new quotes, the terminal checks

whether the open position is profitable. As soon as profit in points becomes equal to or

higher than the specified level, command to place the Stop Loss order will be given

automatically. The order level is set at the specified distance from the current price.

Further, if price changes in the more profitable direction, trailing stop will make the Stop

Loss level follow the price automatically, but if profitability of the position falls, the

order will not be modified anymore. Thus, the profit of the trade position is fixed

automatically. After each automatic Stop Loss order modification, a record will be made in

the terminal journal.''

Trailing stop is also used when your 1st target is hit and price is still going your way, up

or down..It enables you to take the maximum outreach in price movement before any major

retracement/correction. Depending on the daily range and volatility of the currency pair

that you are trading, a 15 to 35 pip trailing stop would be in order.

EURUSD has a 2 pip spread..GBPUSD has a 3 pip spread and GBPJPY has like 7 to 9 pip

spread...cable is like euro on steroids, which is more stable than pound-yen. That is where

we look for balance, the median..

Due to popular demand, a la fasi, we put a buy stop on EURUSD @ 13945..1st target @

14015...2nd target @ 14085...3rd target @ 14155...50 pip sl for both..

Yea, I know, most seasoned traders might say the general trend is down..why buy? well, in

trading, you can make money both by going with the trend, and going against the prevailing

trend..if you know what you are doing. Top football strikers learn score goals with both

feet, even under only time will tell if it would find the buried


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Good stuff, useful info!

I think what a newbie like me has to do is get together all the relevant fx indicators and

all systems that I can get my hands on. Study them in depth to filter out the very good

from the o.k ones, get some experience under my belt by using them then trade live after.

As of yet I dont know of or understand any systems and rely heavily on forums such as this

one to get hints and tips as to where we're heading, or other than that put my index finger

in my mouth , hold it high above my head and take a punt!!!

Cant be good:confused:

Lol,fxlion, at least thats a strategy...but seriously though, we shouldnt depend on just

chance or others to make money in trading...The beauty of the CHART PATTERN RECOGNITION AND

PRICE PROJECTION STRATEGY is that you dont need to cram your screens with all sorts of

indicators because entries and exits are taken DIRECTLY FROM THE CHARTS.

I have seen most of the charts and read about the news for today. I

have come to the conclusion that the market for today can be down. But some we can see some

stability also. Am i right friend.

Yes, you are right, mon ami...Price on the GBPUSD made a high of 14991, which was 8 pips

less than our 1st target of placing your stop loss at entry point after +20 pips

ahead, you would have been stopped out at a profitable breakeven of 31 pips or less..Not too bad..

Stallion, I am having a hard time following your past calls. Where exactly can I find them.

I have a time difference and I'm trying to make proper adjustements prior to trading. You

start calls around 1am my time. Please let me know where on the website I can find an

archive. Also, from reading your posts you suggest to take half profit at 20 pips, then move

other half to break even s/l, if 1st target hit then sell half and so on. Is this correct

and holds true for all your calls? Thank you for the help. I should be up and running on new

year, I see big market swings coming our way.

Thanks for your mail,pips...I thank God for the positive mental attitude displayed in your

comments about the New Year..If we can make profits during the most volatile 3 months in

trading (October to December), then there's good reason to expect better things to come in

the nearest future.

I assume London Session starts 1am your time, depending on where you are in the US. The

archives can be found here:

Review Of Strategic Tips On Forex Signals In Forex Forum

It would be better to take off half profits when +20 pips, rather than waiting for 1st

target to hit..Time and tide, along with price,waits for no man..

Robert Kiyosaki, of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series,talked about the stock market burst some

ears ago, along with its effects on baby boomers and their Social Security program. Even

though he gave out some suggestions on how to avoid that pitfall by personal development and

education, most people then castigated him as a fraud who just wants to sell his books and

seminars. From what is going on in the global economy and the US, it appears he has been


ABC News: Will We Be Forced to Work Until Death?

Late last year, on one of the popular Nigerian forums, I predicted the Nigerian Stock

index(NSE) have reached its top and suggested readers should cover their positions and

unload their stocks. But as at then, the bulls were in control, stock newsletter and article

writers were fueling the bubble frenzy and screaming ''BUY''..

The young admin of the forum, maybe out of ignorance and emotional bias, reacted by banning

all forex traders off his site. But that didnt stop the stock market bubble to burst and

uneducated investors losing substantial amount on their equity. Those that took the time,

money and energy to understand and educate themselves on market behaviour saved themselves

from the bearish drop and even made profits from the decline.

In essence, as investors,we should strive to invest in ourselves.No one knows it all. Most people made money in the Great Depression of the 1930's..We can too..

Hi Stal,

First of all thanks for pointing me to forexpeacearmy as it is a very good source of forex

information. I have been going through the broker reviews and feel like it has stopped me

from taking a wrong decision. I have managed to shortlist a few which I beleive are honest

as per the reviews.

Your comments or experiences on any of these would be very helpful, especially if u could

point one or two which I can go live with.

1.MB trading



4.Alpari Uk

Any help and insight would be highly appreciated..


Helloo there...

Well, it would be unseemly if I publicly endorse any of the brokers due to conflict of

interests.So am throwing it out in the open...Anyone that has comments or experiences with

any of these is free to post it here. Thanks once again.

so for wednesday, we put a buy stop pn GBPUSD @ 1.4740...1st target @ @ 1.4715...

also a sell stop @ 1.4700..1st target @ 1.4671...2nd target @ 1.4665..50 pips sl


so for wednesday, we put a buy stop pn GBPUSD @ 1.4735...1st target @ @ 1.4715...

also a sell stop @ 1.4700..1st target @ 1.4671...2nd target @ 1.4665..50 pips sl

Season's Greetings to everyone,

If you check out our chart above, you could see price moving dynamically from left to

right..we first followed it with our buy stop that yielded 30 pips, and the sell stop that

yielded 35 pips..

The present buy stop @ 14705, 1st target @ 14730, 2nd target @ 14745, sl @ 40 pips away, is

anticipated to yield 40 pips or so..more like chess.

For readers of this thread, I want to say a big thank you for everything...

To show my gratitude, I am giving out 2 e-Books titled

1 The Art Of Creativity

2 Fibonacci Trading - How To Master The Time and Price Advantage

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year, my friends..and may the New Year 2009 bring hope,

joy,health,love,and success to all.

ala tuan, tau ler last2 mesti ada nak jual ebook ngan online

tutor nanti ni.....tul tak masta forestgreen )

p.s if u dint it, welcome to CG(suppose to be) 100% Malaysia )

Boonga boonga,what? reminds me of Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom...hey king of diamonds,

thanks for your hospitality..really appreciate it..howz kuala lumpur? The Russians said I

should google their language, the Japanese, the Indians,the Italians,Germans,even the

Peruvians tried to do me in but no online translation a frigging UN linguistic

convention met..would be grateful if you could teach me a lil Malay, for the ones I know is

virtually down to Singapore next year for some traders' conference

but dont know whether the language barrier can get me past the airport...thanks once again,

king of diamonds


The present buy stop @ 14705, 1st target @ 14730, 2nd target @ 14745, sl @ 40 pips away, is

anticipated to yield 40 pips or so..more like chess.

Helloo there,folks,

Price made a BULLISH GAP on the start of the Asian session, and before we knew it, more than

40 pips was emancipated from our buy entry of 14705..

Even the 60% BUy WINDOW was negated as price on the GBPUSD dropped more than 200 pips

afterwards from the TRIANGLE PATTERN shown above.

Well, what can I say?

Hi guys

I think its just too riskiy trading full stop at the moment, spreads are wide, trend is non

existent, and volume is extremely low.

I think its best staying out until at least a week into new year when everyones back from

holidaying and markets have settled down some what!

But thats just what I am thinking!

Well, fxlion, maybe a lil positive mental attitude thinking might be in order?

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