Rent a Signal service development and suggestions - page 78


When someone opens ID so email notification is coming to moderator's email (in my email for example). And moderator is sending the email message to the vendor with short explanation.

I did exactly like that today in the morning but you did not reply on my email.

Your signal ID is in pending mode now. It may be in pending mode 1 week for example. Once you feel that you are having good performance, or you are ready to speak/deal with subscribers so you can send email to me and I will move your ID to approved mode.

Or I can do it by myself.

But anyway, I will not move any ID to approved mode without establishing the contacts with the vendor. No need to pay anything.

Just check your email.

I sent emails to 4 new vendors today in morning ... no one replied ...



Did you require a reply in your "explanation"...? Did you require a reply....?


When someone opens ID so email notification is coming to moderator's email (in my email for example). And moderator is sending the email message to the vendor with short explanation.

I did exactly like that today in the morning but you did not reply on my email.

Your signal ID is in pending mode now. It may be in pending mode 1 week for example. Once you feel that you are having good performance, or you are ready to speak/deal with subscribers so you can send email to me and I will move your ID to approved mode.

Or I can do it by myself.

But anyway, I will not move any ID to approved mode without establishing the contacts with the vendor. No need to pay anything.

Just check your email.

I sent emails to 4 new vendors today in morning ... no one replied ...


Any reply ... post on the thread or send PM, or reply by email ... just to be sure that vendor exists ...

It is the moderation procedures we established that moderator should contact with the sellers asking about something ... may be he will need some help, or he need some explanation, or I will have some questions ...

That is normal procedures ...

I am sending standard emails about pending mode ... nothing special.


Could you post the exact format of your email here? If in the body of the text there is not a request then perhaps we can see where you specifically request the reply...

ND...I do not doubt your communication skills...its just that something is wrong if there are four people not replying and also others have not replied in the past...



Any reply ... post on the thread or send PM, or reply by email ... just to be sure that vendor exists ...

It is the moderation procedures we established that moderator should contact with the sellers asking about something ... may be he will need some help, or he need some explanation, or I will have some questions ...

That is normal procedures ...

I am sending standard emails about pending mode ... nothing special.

I have marked in bold where you do NOT suggest a requirement to reply...all is needed is to read your email...The word "explanation" is a statement not a no need to reply...Where in your email does it state to activate your account you need to reply?

When someone opens ID so email notification is coming to moderator's email (in my email for example). And moderator is sending the email message to the vendor with short explanation.

I did exactly like that today in the morning but you did not reply on my email.

Your signal ID is in pending mode now. It may be in pending mode 1 week for example. Once you feel that you are having good performance, or you are ready to speak/deal with subscribers so you can send email to me and I will move your ID to approved mode.

Or I can do it by myself.

But anyway, I will not move any ID to approved mode without establishing the contacts with the vendor. No need to pay anything.

Just check your email.

I sent emails to 4 new vendors today in morning ... no one replied ...

Newdigital, I just noticed and replied your e-mail after reading your message on this thread.

Thanks for the explanation and for knowing that you are ready to help us.


It is normal case.

When the person created new ID so he starts to trade and moderator of RAS is sending email to him ... of course he can ignore ...

But once he will want for his signals to be approved so he will try to find me right?

Of course, if all of them are well-known members so it is not a problem anyway. For example: I know you and you know me virtually on the forum so no need to send any reply to me. What for? But in some cases some unknown members are selling the signals ...

We had one case many weeks ago: one seller is taken ill with cold, he catched cold. And he stopped trading his ID. It was good that we did not have any subscribers in that time and I was in the contact with him by email.

But just imagine that some seller disappeared having many clients ... people will ask me ... I will say: i have no idea ...

Sellers are using RAS for free so all they need is just send emails/PMs/post on the thread periodically ... at least to know that they exist for example.

I will send emails to those new members once more time and one more time if necessary ... it's not a problem anyway.


Thank you Newdigital,

I just noticed your e-mail and replied after reading your message on this thread.

Thanks for your explanation and for knowing that you are here to help us.

Newdigital, I just noticed and replied your e-mail after reading your message on this thread. Thanks for the explanation and for knowing that you are ready to help us.

If you need some help so ask.

You (as any RAS vendor) can also open the thread here explaining about your system.

I have marked in bold where you do NOT suggest a requirement to reply...all is needed is to read your email...The word "explanation" is a statement not a no need to reply...Where in your email does it state to activate your account you need to reply?

From email:


Your IDs are in pending mode now. It means that you can trade but no one can see and subscribe. After 1 week of trading you can ask to approve your IDs for subscribers. If you have any questions so ask ...
