Rent a Signal service development and suggestions - page 32



You know no one will trade on 90% error free signals on a live account. 90% accuracy is terrible by industry standards, usually it has to be near 99.7%. But that's not why I write.

I see fxtrader's free signal is still showing closed trades with no closed prices. And I think he updated all of his files already. You should ask him because it does not seem like the missing closed trades are fixed. These are huge problems that developers need to focus on, or either that fxtrader need to update his RAS files again.


It is not 90% accuracy.

Let's say, we have 100 sellers. So, 90% sellers do not have any errors at all.

90% sellers are having 100% accuracy.

Just 10% of the sellers are having some errors and those errors came from something as

- 200 orders opened in the same time;

- closing 50 or more trades in the same time by scripts;

and so on.

If we will establish some 1 week evaluation period for sellers so we can select the sellers with no errors. And it is 90% of them. The other 10% is subject to communication, RAS settings changing and so on.

I just fixed some elite section EA changed in RAS EA settings timeout to 7.

Default is 20. So, I changed it to 7.

You can see signal id 183: it was many errors and no any error now. Just because of this timeout changed to 7.

May be you do not see elite section signals ... there are 20 free signals including elite section EAs signals.

20 in free section.

And 24 signals in paid section.

44 totally.

I am testing 9 from elite section (it is in free section of RAS website).

Go to 'Signals' from left menu, than 'Free signals'. And 20 free signals there incl EAs from elite section.

In 'Ranking' (signals for money) is 24 traders/signals.

And just few of them are having this error.

There are some signals which do not have any errors and never had and it is majority.

I hope that fxtrader625 is reading this post.

He needs to change


from default 20

to 7 or 5

in RAS EA.

I fixed some problem with some EA yesterday like that.

May be it will help.

Anyway, the developers are trying to fix it by programming.


Try to change timeout in RAS EA settings to 5 or 7.

May be it will help.

The developers are fixing it anyway and I just experimented with the settings.


Done (changed timeout to 7).


5 MetaTraders to one id as a seller

do not work yet.

But one id/signal seller EA was fixed in this way by simple changing timeout to 7.

I will monitor fxtrader625's signals and hope that it will be fixed by this way too.

Anyway I already reported to the developers about this error so they can fix it as well.


Just some news.

- New version of RAS EA was created (version 5). If you are going to update so download EA and update dll also.

Seems, the problems with clones were fixed.

- 'orders with zero close price' errors are going to be fixed now. So, the signal providers may wait untill final fixing, or update to version 5 now (or during the weekend).

- It was added some moderating features to RAS website (for moderators) and we are having something as: signals on active mode; pending mode; suspended; approved; not approved. It may be good when we will have more statistics and we can decide about which trader is ready to have subscriptors and so on to validate the signals.

- clones are created automatically.

- Some developers are doing webdesign of RAS website right now. But I think that the final webdesign will be in the time when we will have all stats features programmed.

That's all news.


Nice, ND. And say a good job to the developers.

Closed orders with no closing prices were one of the big fundamental problems RAS had. Let's hope that has been ironed out.

The extra stats and web design is just "gravy" <--Thanksgiving humor.


Thank you.

Thanks ND

Downloaded from the link on the Rentasignal page, but when I fired up MT4 it still says "Ver 4".




Market is close now.

RAS EA does not work with close market (text on the chart is not refreshed if no any ticks moving).

Wait for Monday.


Thanks ND.