Rent a Signal service development and suggestions - page 12


dear all

dear all

where is this rent signal site(link)?



dear all

where is this rent signal site(link)?



Please, red the thread.

It will make public when beta phase is over.


New signals service!

Hi newdigital,

I often visit but I just found this thread today (I think may be because you put it at not right play, if you put this thread right under the Announcements Blog thread it may attract more and more visitors).

This very interesting thread. Thanks for your idea!

Hope you will achieve great success with this new signals service!



Hey ND,

I think your program is calculating the USDJPY pips incorrectly. It adds a zero to the end. So if it is a 10 pips win, it says it is 100 pip win. I noticed this while looking through the other beta testers statements.

Rest of testing is going well.

And one more thing, even when the connection between the seller and the website was down. The website proceeded to download the rest of those trades (but omitted the trading symbol). So it is very weird how your program handles trades that was not actually placed in real time (because of connectivity issues), but they still download those results from the history of the statement. At least that is what I'm thinking.


Thanks a lot.

I think the developers will see it.


setting up signal service

Hi, there

I am interested in setting up a signal service , what do i need to do?



Hi, there

I am interested in setting up a signal service , what do i need to do?



Please, contact newdigital by PM


As reported before, the website site WITHOUT the www. in front on the web address gives a site offline message. Just another heads up.


Anymore updates on the Rentasignal service (as to when it will be available) after the beta testing?

Anymore updates on the Rentasignal service (as to when it will be available) after the beta testing?


A service of this kind needs to be tested very carefully to avoid any problem. Newdigital togheter with Programmers are heavy involved adding new options and implementing the ideas expressed here and others.

Also, Beta phases have periods inside. Beta RC1, RC2, RC3. Where small improvements and bug fixing takes place.

Please, stay in touch.