Index indicator (best indicator you'll find!) - page 2


Although this is an interesting indicator, how do you apply this to trading? Real-time updates would be far more useful, no?

Okay here is simply the best indicator I've coded.

This indicator grabs prices from yahoo and displays them as line. It's absolutely great to see for example how DOW vs FTSE is doing or to watch individual ETF to see where some market is going (for example USO and OIL etfs follow oil futures price)

So enjoy. I had some ideas of making this indicator commercial but then I decided it's not worth all the hassle.

Indicator fetches new data every 15 minutes for the last day.

Use the ticker names from Yahoo! Finance

Here are the indexes Volume Leaders - Yahoo! Finance

This is ex4, source code will not be available.

Thanks mikko

This is a great tool.

It work on a daily basis. Can it also work on an 1H chart?