School of Pimpology - page 97


Daily 25 pip update

Hi all,

2nd day of 25 pip target update

well done a cheeky one today on the GB/US short, should have got in earlier on the resistance at the 60min 20 ema and at the break of zero on 4 CCI on bottom

decided to wait (nerves kicking in), until i got the break of the 5min 20 and break of 63 CCI below zero @ 1.7816 and my trade profit was at the swing low @ 1.7819

this was a very safe 29 pip trade but goes to show that 25 pips per day can be done even for me.

i will continue to put up my trades every day, win or lose, because i think it will help the newbies out there, like me, to get a grasp of this system, which by the way is the best system ever



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Wiggle, wiggle

Le Pimp;

Love the new house. Gorgeous and so much less hassle than Mr Skype. Great job Cako with the Boiler Room. Fantastic idea and it was so good we had traders from around the globe. A truly international community. Thank you on behalf of the pipsters - Well done.

On to other matters - Cako where have you been? You have been missed. Its just not the same without a mad scalper, anti-strategy player in our midst. Also I have nobody to tease about hair styles. Andre is so looking forward to meeting you!

On to pips - an interesting morning. I initially got trashed going long on Swissie, was down -57 and thinking nah, gold looking good, only timing! I exited and waited for price to touch hourly 20 and dived back in long and doubled up stake 1.1165 to 1.1211 +46. Also took gold and ended up with average of +22 (but again pipsters I got messed about and had to some sneaky doubling up to make up for the earlier losses).

Thanks to Honest Bill I reversed a crude trade. Its the benefit of those pesky pivot points. He says, Rockie, its just below MP, whats MP I asked, monthly pivot, I closed out and went short from 101.82 to 101.30 for +52.

Hit my target again this morning - Had to work at it though after my earlier hiccups and had to wiggle it a bit to earn my breakfast.

Looking forward to playing in the new monkey house.......with all the other trading animals. I can see all the characters from the recent Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda etc. Perhaps I need a new name to be able to run with this herd!

Wiggling and Wobbling Rockie


Crude Trade

As discussed and for reference please see chart. Entry at 101.84 on decent of 4cci and closed at 101.11 +73 pips. Hope this answers questions. Let me know if you have anything further.

Oily Rockie


Crude & Gold Correlation


I have a question? Could Crude & Gold Correlation be off temporarily in these trying markets. Here's a trade I took. I shorted gold at 877. Crude actually followed. It fell by 90 pips, but gold went up. As I type I am -12.

But of course, crude will probably bounce back up from the 1hr20 and Gold will rise with it.

And I wasn't quick enough with shorting crude.

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Hi all,

2nd day of 25 pip target update

well done a cheeky one today on the GB/US short, should have got in earlier on the resistance at the 60min 20 ema and at the break of zero on 4 CCI on bottom

decided to wait (nerves kicking in), until i got the break of the 5min 20 and break of 63 CCI below zero @ 1.7816 and my trade profit was at the swing low @ 1.7819

this was a very safe 29 pip trade but goes to show that 25 pips per day can be done even for me.

i will continue to put up my trades every day, win or lose, because i think it will help the newbies out there, like me, to get a grasp of this system, which by the way is the best system ever



Well done, Paul,

Over the last few months I've gone from losing several hundred pips a week to about break even. So, it's all heading in the right direction. Rockdrive tells me he went through the same only a few months ago. I'm looking forward to being at his level, but for now my target is +25 per day. Do that consistently with compounding and you can turn 1000 into 365,000 in one year.


Crude & Gold Correlation UPDATE

Honest Bill:

I have a question? Could Crude & Gold Correlation be off temporarily in these trying markets. Here's a trade I took. I shorted gold at 877. Crude actually followed. It fell by 90 pips, but gold went up. As I type I am -12.

But of course, crude will probably bounce back up from the 1hr20 and Gold will rise with it.

And I wasn't quick enough with shorting crude.

Okay, so maybe I was wrong. It just took its time to fall, eventually going +60. But, only after I had chopped for -1.

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I suggest that as you are playing with demo you try to be more daring with the stops


Anyone just ride that EUR/USD fall.......dropped about 100 pips in a matter of minutes and GBP/USD did the same. USD/CHF jumped up about 80. Crazy but profitable morning.


Thanks Bill for chopping the Gold. Unfortunately I missed (too greedy) the initial drop of 60 pips, then got stopped out BE, but re-entered and got 40 odd. Gotta work on my exit strategy.

Thanks Bill for chopping the Gold. Unfortunately I missed (too greedy) the initial drop of 60 pips, then got stopped out BE, but re-entered and got 40 odd. Gotta work on my exit strategy.

I did decent, all 3 made a small retrace after the initial big move, then moved a bunch more. Overall a great morning! Anyone take notice of what was going on with USD/JPY that whole time.......