I'm RICH! The Holy Grail! - page 31


i believe there is no 100% accurate HG...


I'm not rich, but i earn a lot of money because of automatic trading. I use Forex Power Signals and get the best out of forex trading.


hey can u share forex power systm


sure he can...but then he will have to kill you:)...that was a spam I think:)

hey can u share forex power systm

Does anyone recognize this Indicator????????? It looks very familiar to me, but I just can't place it. Or, if you have it, can you please post it????

indicator.jpg  162 kb

Here is the detailed staement of these two last days: detailedstatement.htm

Nice ballooned stats but I think it's still too early to tell.

What is the purpose of attaching same picture not related at all to the subject to all the posts?

What is the purpose of attaching same picture not related at all to the subject to all the posts?

Maybe a picture tells a thousand words, no matter if it's related to the subject or not.. LOL!! Pictures look nice too anyway


Maybe a picture tells a thousand words, no matter if it's related to the subject or not.. LOL!! Pictures look nice too anyway Wintersky

It reminds me of pornography - only pictures no substance

:) It reminds me of pornography - only pictures no substance
