Newbies need tutorial... - page 3


hey neat videos, this is good for newbies


Forex Education is very important for beginners who want to start trading in forex . We must know that trading in forex is not easy as we think. We must have knowledge and good skills in forex. We also can use demo account to start trading here.


Welcome to the world of forex trading, and the broker you chose is a good one at that; the first thing you do is to head over to; take your time to go over all the tutorials in the site. Next is to create and practice with a demo account. I know your broker Etoro should have a reputable demo account; take their demo for at least 4 months before venturing into the real market. Good luck.


Hi Op, just curious onto this. Were you able to find someone for you?

I was testing a trading method yesterday , so I took some trades on an MT4 demo account : results --> I am up 97 pips.

I took the same trades on eToro : results --> trades closed at loss

I didn't put a SL or TP and there was no margin call

moral of the story , don't trade eToro on a live account.

Yes, I have same experience. Because, I lose my trading capital so many times. I think, not only you and me all new Forex traders face same problem. But, we can overcome this problem by learning.

Ray Cooper:
Yes, video tutorial is the most clear way to learn Forex. I have learned the advance level of Forex by watching ‘Free video tutorial’ Then, I learned the actual way of trading principle. As a result, now I am a successful Forex trader in my live account. I can trade any Forex currencies with narrowest trading spreads to use this friendly trading platform.

I agree with you. We can try to learn about forex trading by video tutorial to make us be more ready to start trading in forex. We also can use demo account to more understand about forex. From experience in demo trading will make us get new knowledge in forex


Use demo trading - best tutorial

Use demo trading - best tutorial

Demo account is the best tutorial because trader can try to hone trading skill without spending money and surely it will make us really helped. Trader can start trading with small amount in real account after using demo account