Everything about RSI - page 117


Here is a non repainting version : ma_rsi_mtf_1_1.mq4

PS: it can do things like this too now :

Thank you...will experiment


For the sake of making it nicer (:)) added interpolation and one parameter to make the life of adjusting the line easier : ma_rsi_mtf_1_2.mq4


Rsi + alma (rsi of alma or rsi alma smoothed) : rsi__alma.mq4

rsi__alma.png  115 kb
rsi__alma.mq4  13 kb
For the sake of making it nicer (:)) added interpolation and one parameter to make the life of adjusting the line easier : ma_rsi_mtf_1_2.mq4

looks interesting...

Rsi + alma (rsi of alma or rsi alma smoothed) : rsi__alma.mq4

Dearest MLADEN

thanks for RSI ALMA too,best fitter,........can we will have CCI one day,:)


eurusdm1_13.png  46 kb

Dearest MLADEN

thanks for RSI ALMA too,best fitter,........can we will have CCI one day,:)



You mean a cci using alma?



You mean a cci using alma?

Dearest MLADEN

yes exact,when stoch of alma and rsi of alma gave us wonderful results i believes cci alma will be produce more attractive results.these days pretty tools coming like spring flowers,honestly i dont find time to experiment on every. .

and i am wonder and astonished when visitors brings 4th class tools here from out source and asking do this and that with these,why they cant see,what is here and of what status.



Dearest MLADEN

yes exact,when stoch of alma and rsi of alma gave us wonderful results i believes cci alma will be produce more attractive results.these days pretty tools coming like spring flowers,honestly i dont find time to experiment on every. .

and i am wonder and astonished when visitors brings 4th class tools here from out source and asking do this and that with these,why they cant see,what is here and of what status.


OK. Will see to make one CCI based on alma


Mladen...is it possible to change this indicator so Yellow line will have "color on slope" option or arrows when it changes direction?

Why don't you post a non-repainting version then?
