Everything about RSI - page 103

Sorry, I have been drinking some beer, sometimes it's right to do that, but not often ...

ah the headache after


Today coffee and headaches But today you don't need to think clear.

Do you know poetry slams? Actually, in one of my old forums we did this. A competition with small prices (paid out in a 'free2play' brower game). It was really fun to read and awesome to write a poem as well.

What, Wulong have nothing to test? Mladen, now he drinks to much beer to fill the time slots. We must help him, we have to give him something to do

Today coffee and headaches But today you don't need to think clear.

Do you know poetry slams? Actually, in one of my old forums we did this. A competition with small prices (paid out in a 'free2play' brower game). It was really fun to read and awesome to write a poem as well.

What, Wulong have nothing to test? Mladen, now he drinks to much beer to fill the time slots. We must help him, we have to give him something to do

Dear Krelian/Wulong

But today you don't need to think clear

when i have a full glass of beer

no one soft,skinny and sweet is near

i have inner wounds but not so swear

nobody can see my hidden tear

only TSD invite me to get here

now i can enter in elite with out fear

even i go without any thing wear

still the situation in TSD not clear

no year will come like this year

so we needs some more beer



That's cool. Folks,

Am still too tired for jammin',

but day ain't over, man - and

after some resting down slow

me jumpin' up and gooo

to the TSD-forum and check

what's nu on the site and back

to the MT4 and quiet assured

best trader skillz in me lurked.

You'll see, with fresh hot coffee

I'm breakin' da pound-aussie,

and all the other pairs,

and later stocks and shares.

But if you feared the elite section

da nu one will give you satisfation.

Thanks to mladen and the gang

you'll feel your wallet goes bang.

No man, me ain't no kiddin'

and rhyming I now gonna quittin'.

Over and out. Salut.

Abhinav If I did not understand wrongly, this would be it : smoothed_rsi_v01.mq4

Some more upgrade on the smoothed rsi : smoothed_rsi_v011.mq4


Oh my God, what have I done ? Awakend some trading poets ....

Some more upgrade on the smoothed rsi : smoothed_rsi_v011.mq4

Can that be done using Cuttler's RSI too?

Some more upgrade on the smoothed rsi : smoothed_rsi_v011.mq4

Dear Mladen

Would you please add mtf option in this indicator

Thanks for any help


Dear Mladen

Would you please add mtf option in this indicator

Thanks for any help



Here is the multi time frame version : smoothed_rsi_v011_mtf.mq4

secretcode Here is the multi time frame version : smoothed_rsi_v011_mtf.mq4

Nice Very Kind of you Mladen, Thank You

