Holy Grail


Hi guys

I know everyone is looking for that 'holy grail' indicator. But have you ever stopped to think what would you do if you found it ?

Think about it, if you found a setup which was consistently accurate and won a lot more than it lost would you have the courage to follow it without letting your emotions getting in the way ?

Would you share it ? Or would doing so change how effective it is in the markets ?

Would you still be looking for new systems ?

I know lots of people will think the answers are easy - use it and make money but could you leave out your emotion ? Would you trust the system would always work ?

Would be great to hear from you all....think before replying and try to be honest you will learn a lot about yourself


Depends on your definition of 'consistently profitable', also depends on the type of trading. For instance, I reckon QQE 'signals' are about 75% accurate 'generally', so you could argue that qualifies as 'consistent'. These signals aren't worth squat without MM though - and how many indicators out there employ MM - close to none...


omelette - very good point well made... money management is very important and under rated also a high win rate isn't necessarily everything - winners need to be bigger than losers

a setup which was consistently accurate and won a lot more than it lost

I hate to say it, Leeb... but there are a handful of set ups like these readily available to the public. As a matter of fact, most if not all of them can be found in this forum. Yet, the 95/5 rule still applies. The holy grail is not a strategy, money management rules, a set up, an indicator, or any of those things.

It seems rather illusive because when we think of the "holy grail", we think in terms of a noun. It's something tangible. Like the things I mentioned above. The real identity of the holy grail is....drum roll please ....... self mastery. That's right little buddies. Now stop downloading all those attachments, and tend to the real issue.


P.S. - I've found little bits and pieces of it here and there. What will I do when I find the complete set...bask in all of it's f'n glory.



holy grail is yourself , since forex trading has started there's no holy grail was found ,

think about it


Forex Indicators Collection

holy grail is yourself

Well said.


holy grail is yourself , since forex trading has started there's no holy grail was found ,

think about it

This is so true. It has been said before that you can have a system that gives you 90% + wins. Give this system to 20 other people with the same rules that you are using and not all of them, if any, will get the same results as you do.


Holy grail is in ebay. This is the no.786 holy grail I've found since I started trading few years ago. They're making me tons of money. I dont know why everytime I spend 50 bucks to buy a new system, it will generate thousands of dollars in profit for me everyday. Can you imagine I've purchased 786 unit of holy grail, by trading them at my account 24/5, the account size already grown up to 60billion. Recently B*ll G*tes just made an appointment with me via my hot secretary, said he wanted to learn from me how I've made those 60billion in few years time. I bring him to my money store to checkout my cash, he is so impressed that my money printed with JFK avatar on it, phase value 1million / piece.


Oh by the way. I do have some small change of 10k notes, which I think its pretty darn waste of my storage space. I authorized my amigo to sell them. If I remember correctly, they wanted to sell them for $0.99 / stack, 100gm/stack. No actual count of pieces, if you get lucky, you may get another 100k extra. And I heard the amigo is going to sell it at ebay for a discounted price of $0.49 / stack. Dont miss the great deal.


Davidke20....by selling those notes with 10K value per piece, I hope next week market liquidity shoot up drastically. Which pair you gonna push??

Davidke20....by selling those notes with 10K value per piece, I hope next week market liquidity shoot up drastically. Which pair you gonna push??

Well, you seemed doesn't know much about trading. So, I'm going to give you a brief idea what trading is about.

Buy - Long is to buy the base currency and sell the versus

Sell - Short is to sell the base currency and buy the versus

Long USDJPY means to buy the dollar and sell the JPY. With the same principle, I'm going to sell off the HBN(hell bank note), the interpretation of currency trading will be Long USDHBN. Hope you make some money on my calls. God, cant believe I'm now a major market manipulator. Life treating me so well by those holy grails. Soon I'll launch my new website to sell of my holy grails. I really had enough of them already. I'm now lack of storage space to store my cash and gold. Hope to sell you some of my holy grail to share my wealth with you all. I'm not simply make up a story, its true. I have picture as prove. Dont miss the opportunity. I may sell all my holy grails at very low price. May be 10k / full set 786 unit EA at a time. Full money back guarantee.