New Members introduction - page 1121



i AM representative from Hiwayfx , and i am happy to here


Hi all, glad to meet you all.


Hello, glad to have joined. I see that there is teamwork here...just wanted to be a part of it. Im looking for traders who want to improve their trading with simple indicators, that give simple information. Mainly. Have not ruled anything out, just trying to keep it simple. Cheers to everyone, happy trading.


I just posted earlier, don't know why its not letting me post???


Hello there,

It has been quite a while since my last visit to this site. It's been so long that I have forgotten my screen name and password so I had to create a new one.

I've been fooling around with forex for a couple of years now, off and on. I would lose all of my money and say I was done, but the fact that I know I have the potential to do better keeps driving me back towards that MT4 platform. So, with that being said, I'm back, and this time "Greed", being the key word here, is no longer a factor. No, I don't have $5000, or $10000 to start an account with, lol, so this should be interesting. As I grow into a famous trader, you all will be able to witness my progress first hand. That being said, it feels good to be back home. Trade with Alpari - Named "Forex Company of the Year" in 2012



Good day to all


Hello everyone .


Markets are changing fast.I would like to keep up with the changes.


Hi all I'm very glad to be joining forex-tsd. Currently I am following the Murrey Math Trading System with atilapires indicators. It is a system I like. I hope you do very well at all, that you may win a lot of money and to advise me your best system for performing 15 minutes of expiry.

Regards from Spain.


Hello new to Forex tsd. Learning forex and binary market. There are loads of helpful tips on this forum.