New Members introduction - page 1047




Hi guys I'm new to the forum...glad to be here. I've been trading Forex since 2000. Living in Sydney Australia.


Hello everyone,

Very enthusiastic about getting to know this forum and the traders running it

from Beirut, Lebanon

All the best,

I'm not looking for the holy grail, I just want steady returns with minimal risk. Is there sensible managed account or signal provider that has proven to be stable for a year or more?



Hi everyone, this forum is full of ideas and it is very interesting to view different perspective on same topic.


Hi everybody, I have been looking for a forex strategy fit for me, and hope, and trust, Forex-tsd will be of use.


hi everyone am nu member here, thanks for accepting me


trying to learn forex new to it


Hello to you all,

I am "GAINfaciles" translates easy money, easier said than done!

I come from France, 43 years (already !!!).

I started forex in 2010 after playing a lot horse race and found a forum talking about forex so I started to learn, learn ... and now I understand everything.

I hope one day to live on. I am looking for EA because I work a lot and can not occupper me all day.

Sorry for my English.

Greetings to all forum members.


Hi you all, I have been learning a lot from all of the heavy work that has been done on these pages, and I will learn a lot in the months to come. It's fantastic!

Thank you and keep it going.