New Members introduction - page 896


Hi all, i have been playing at trading for the last 2 years. lost more than i have won so have decided to get serious and learn how this game is played before i put any more dollars at risk.



hi all i am new member of this forex site please help me to get more informations


Hello ! My name is Olivia. I love trading ! Good luck all !


Hello Traders, I am not new to trading just that I have never been good at it. May the pips be with us all!


Hi Everyone, I'm Gabriel!

I'm fresh here and i found that this form have a massive information on trading world. Lots of stuff to download also. Great Site!


Hello, I badly know English. I transport through the dictionary. Excuse for it me. You have a fine forum. Very substantial. The help of professionals was necessary for me. I came to you. Improvement and prosperity.



Here to find a good way to retire myself

See you around!



new here , love the content and the team spirit here. i guess the best fx community ever...... tombs up



forgot to introduce my self. I think i read most threads of this forum and other forums , it took me a nearly 1 month(6x 10h a week).

I downloaded and classified over 10000 indicators by type, filtered them out (newer versions)

so i got a result of 3200 Inicators left.

I also read several books and (ebooks too) about trading to get a multi perspective view of what kind of trading styles exist.

Actually i am doing the same process with strategies.

In parallel i develop my own strategy and indicators.

Purpose of this is i want to get the BIG picture. I think with more knowledge it is easier to judge more accurate about a topic.

I am a perfectionist and a creative person, i like more to create than to consum,

in nearly every aspect of life.



hi everyone, i'm new here... looking forward to have fun learning from all of you...