New Members introduction - page 765


Hello all! I'm a new member and since a little time fulltime trader.

Hope to learn a lot from you guys!

Wish you all the best,



Greetings fellow members. I am Alby555 in Bangkok Thailand. I have been trading for several years but still learning. I have read all pages of this Forum and have to say it is the most impressive I have ever visited. Having read all pages...several times already...and benefited greatly from the wisdom and expertise of the main players - Poruchik, Grandaevus and Ryu Shin; the latter two have been away since last year. Hiwever I say thankyou to Poruchik for his massive contributions and Grandaevus/Ryu Shin for their development and ideas.

May the trades be with you all...



Been a member for a while love the site



Hi all - I've seen a lot of great stuff on this forum. Good luck to you all!


hi all

i am a new member here

from Egypt

good forum and friendly members

thank you


Hi to all! This is my first post here. I see there are a lot of very useful things here-it's great!


I am new bier I want to learn fore.If I was better I will share my product.

New members always have something to say, even the shy ones.

Take some minutes and introduce yourself to the community, tell us a little about your history, yoir ideas or why you're here, whatever.

Besides. You need to do this in order to upgrade your account and activate all features

Welcome everyone!!!

hi all, i am a newbie with 2times mc xD, hope to learn profit in here.


Hi every one my name is Miguel and I'm new and very interested in harmonic trading


Hi every one my name is Miguel and I'm new and very interested in harmonic trading