New Members introduction - page 757


Hi everyone, I'm looking forward to learn some new stuff and hope to help with some threads in the future. Happy trading, Rob.


привет всем


New member just getting my feet wet in forex and MT4 , compared to metastock, this program looks like a heck of alot more fun!


Hello, new member here and been trading Forex for 5 years.


My name is slowlybalm . Am an FX trader for 5years now and enjoy trading soo much. My daily target is 100 pips. Have a complex combo trading system have been using for long. And since have developed my own trading method, have stopped exploring more knowledge on fx. But is good to be back to the house.


Also is will be good to have forex-tsd app on Android phones


New member here from Detroit, MI. Learning a TON! Thanks

New members always have something to say, even the shy ones.

Take some minutes and introduce yourself to the community, tell us a little about your history, yoir ideas or why you're here, whatever.

Besides. You need to do this in order to upgrade your account and activate all features

Welcome everyone!!!

Hi everyone. Glad to be on this forum. Saw plenty of interesting ideas here. Have some of my own and like to share. First have to take a fast look at previous posts. See you guys soon - Benjamin


Hi guys, FX newbie here. Looking to learn more about forex trading as only have traded shares so far.

Thanks for having me here :-)


Hi Everyone...

I am trading good old forex for quite a while. The last few years I also spend time trying to develop profitable EA's.

Be good.!