New Members introduction - page 487

I just now became a member here from china and want to say hi to verybody

I've been a member reading the interesting and informative posts of long-time members.



I'm a new mwmber too and I just want to say hello too!


Hello to you too!

Paris, France


  • I am glad to meet you.
  • I thank for that I can participate in this forum from today heartily

Hey everyone. I'm new.


hi well i signed up long time but i was not trading now im back to trade i have some experience i will try to answer as much as i can my trading style is scalping & EA.


Thanks for the new stuff to learn about forex.


Hi I'm John and new to Binary Options Trading.


Hello Everyone,

I'm (brand) new here as in FX. I hope I'll have that experience once, that I'll be able to contribute to this excellent community.
