New Members introduction - page 442


Hello. My name is Lyle and trading is my most passionate hobby. I seem to learn something new almost every day and forex-tsd has been a major resource for me.


Hi everyone,

I represent a growing investment firm looking to work with algo programmers, test their code, and invest in them. Please send me a message if you want to find out more. Rendez-vous in the forums!


By the way, I will be hosting a dedicated thread for this in the "graduated" section.



is there anyone who made a million from forex?


Hi Fellow Forumites,

Forex-tsd is the real deal when it comes to learning about forex and improving your skill with a view to becoming a better and more successful and profitable trader.

I am here to become the best i could be and contribute to making this forum the best among the rest.

Its good to be here.



Just new to Forex and basically interested in Binary Options and looking for as strategy that works. Have been working with a Demo account for a while without success.


hello everyone out there, am new here and hope to have a wonderful time.


Hi guys ! How are you all ? I am new.


good is good testing


Just to say hi