New Members introduction - page 312


hi every one i am coninusosly trading & doing research on MT4 technical indicators.if anyon1 like to share & test on india market please tell me

Bonjour à tous, je suis nouveau dans le monde du forex. j’espère que vous allez pouvoir m'aider un peu. good Trade

Bonjour mathieu , bien venu ici, je connais ce site depuis tres longtemps mais je viens juste de le joindre officiellement ... si tu as besoin d aide fait moi signe , cela fait plus de 17 ans que que je m interesse au trading et crois moi , ce st la jungle ! mais si tu t accroche , et que tu as de la discipline et que tu sais gerer tes emotions , c est la moitié du chemein vers le succes qui est fait !!





I just now became a member here .


Hi i am pratap. I am active trader on forex as well commodity ....looking for crude oil buy sell stratagey


A New member in the largest forex forum in the world, thank's for all


new member. invisible before


Hi, friends!

I'm from Russia.

Trading is my hobby. I'm not dreaming about taking perfect trades. I just want to explore smth new.

Honestly, I can't deny I love money (like everybody else , I think) and won't refuse a couple of thousand $$$.

P.S. sorry for my English.


hi guys i m new comer here..and i am so lucky to join this forum..


Hello Trading Community,

Im a price action trader, looking to improve my trading skills and help others if able. Look forward to reading and contributing.



hello i'am a newbee but very interested by the stocks and the technical analys

and happy to find a forum like this
