New Members introduction - page 40



Hello to all,

I`m a AI/Physics/Gameplay programmer for PS3, PS2, XBox 360 and iPhone. Wish to learn more MT4 programming. Been trading badly for 10 years. Currently doing some research on Mark B. Fishers ACD Method.



Hi guys,

I am a spare time trader from Bulgaria.I am trading for a little over 3 years now.But have been successful for this past year.

Just wanted to say hi to all.


Can someone guide me in the right direction?

I need a mentor. I'm a newbie and want to learn from the best! I can give my initial earnings back. Can someone help me PLEASE!!!

good luck to all!


Hi all,

I'm pretty new here myself, just wanted to say hi to everyone as well.

Hi airic77, I'm afraid no-one is going to teach you on a one to one mentoring basis. That's not how it works. Unless you pay upfront.

Yes, people will help you, on forums, etc... but ultimately you have to master it yourself.


Introduce my self

hai masters in this forum.introduce my self zicoe

i live in indonesia

i nubie in forex and i want to learn here

please help me toget glory in forex



hi.. nice to meet u zicoe.

FXOpen PR:
hi.. nice to meet u zicoe.

thanks..nice to meet you too


Hello everyone

I registered as a new member 15 minutes ago and just want to say hello.

I have been trading stocks and studied technical analysis on a hobby basis for 15 years, and is now moving over to forex. I am curious about the following: How much of my stock-treading experience is valuable and valid in the forex market?

Hopefully I will find some answers in the Forex-TSD forum.

See you !!



New Currency Investor Magazine

Receive a copy of Currency Investor magazine for free

We will be launching a new international quarterly magazine this Summer called Currency Investor.

The publication will focus on the latest currency investment strategies, trading models and investment analytics.

It will assist institutional and retail investors as well as currency and overlay managers to gain further insight

into the many new risk management methodologies and exciting investment opportunities within this emerging asset class.

If you would like to receive a free copy of the new magazine please register your contact details here:

We hope this important new resource will be of interest to investors, risk management professionals and

currency asset managers all over the world.

Best regards

The Currency Investor editorial team



Hi forum members,i am new to this site and quite appreciate earlier members of this great forum.I hope to really have wonderful time together.