Does the market trade against you? - page 3


Brokers and banks are doing this on spot forex but they can not do it on stocks (centralised-floor markets).That is why my broker left big lavarage for forex

x 200 and lower down lavarage for stocks from x 20 to x 10.

They lost lot of money this year on stocks moves by their clients but forex is sure money for them.

This is not an easy game....


I do not believe in a super server, thats just silly.. Traders make the market and everyone has differant points of entries. Some big banks may chase a currency one way to stop out a big order from a hadge fund, but the market is here so we can bet on interest rate differantals. For beginners, be patient, scalping is an art and not for everyone. Watch the news, and try to understand which way the Central Bank of the particular country is leaning or which way the real money is spectulating. Dont over leverage, thats a major mistake made by beginners. And remember, what ever doesnt kill you, makes you stronger.

Hi Traders

Do volatility have serious effect on our trading...

As a day trader volatility is our allay and we have to know that we can count on it every single day or at least 90% of the days...

Linuxser is exactly right...right direction...right timing. That's a nice succinct way of describing it. It's up to your to define system rules that tell you both. Doing this in advance takes all the stress away and allows you to focus on execution rather than overthinking. Never follow market commentators. They are only describing and hypothesising.

If price moves against you on entry that may mean you are not using 1m noise properly to get a good price. If price is truely moving against you, apart from a few exceptions, then that is your bad analysis of the current state of the market. Losses are not a problem but losing consistently is a huge problem. It means you don't have a working strategy. You should know that the battle is won before you trade. That can only happen by nailing down a model that is a consistent winner.

Honesty matters. Don't expect other people to give this to you. You need to find out for yourself in a genuine way. Consistent traders (including those in this forum) have spent a significant amount of time researching/thinking/backtesting etc to arrive at their belief systems. This is what you need to do before you trade....


so if they trade against you then trade against yourself

so instead of buy you sell and visa versa

but i dont think it will help

learn when the market moves

learn when news is coming out

learn when NOT to trade - be fussy


I think good money management will eliminate most if not all of those fears...As a general rule I never risk more than 1% of total equity on any trade. With this approach a trader can be wrong 20 times in a row and still have 80% of his or her equity left. I hope that helps.


Trading is easy....but we should relax and the best indicator is our EYE....Your Eyes will work better than other indicators....Loook at the chart....observe....and....find something..that's a signal !!.. Ha..ha..

Trading is easy....but we should relax and the best indicator is our EYE....Your Eyes will work better than other indicators....Loook at the chart....observe....and....find something..that's a signal !!.. Ha..ha..

good point

so if they trade against you then trade against yourself

so instead of buy you sell and visa versa

but i dont think it will help

learn when the market moves

learn when news is coming out

learn when NOT to trade - be fussy

Hi perky long time no see..

I was about to write nearly the same...

I was about to write...if you feel THEY are trading AGAINST you...well then trade the SAME direction as THEY...( and who are that again some sort of a conspiracy theory)

Or do you believe that THEY are watching YOU. And the moment THEY see that YOU enter a 100$ position that THEY blow the wistel to turn a Trillion$ market against your 100$ position.

There is no THEY or THEM. The market is everyone. Each one of us. Big and small.

Remember that If you loos money someone else is making money. And for all the same that "someone else" could be me on that moment . And I am not a member of the big brother conspiracy.

Only people who loos more money then making money have the tendency to blame this on someone else instead of blaming it on themself. They blame it on the broker or on the market or an THEM....

Someone who makes more money then loosing money, knows that this is because of himself.



MP -- it IS easy, but it dont COME easy !

in full agreement with "Delca", it aint brain surgery, but like ANYTHING ELSE in this world, you gots to learn the sucker before you make the bux !

learning, by simple definition, takes time and forex (or any type of financial trading) is no different than any other new culture and endevour ---- while many seek EA's to simplify and grab the bucks fast, they usually find themselves broken and bloody, but theres always another few hundred willing to step over the body and go for the gold !

like anything else, one of those hundreds will probably make it, but the rest will be lying there flattened, doing their best imitation of dog food !

PATIENCE weedhoppers --- forex been here a long time and will be around a long time also. Stop and learn, observe, and learn from what you observe and ask questions once youve learned enough to know what questions to ask and if youre designed for it, you should receive the rewards that forex can provide !

One year is a good beginning for most and two is far better --- be patient weedhopper !

OH YEAH -- someone is ALWAYS trading against you, but then we couldnt make money if they werent, now could we ?
