Buy/Sell indicator 90 % accurate? - page 12


Indicator alarm

Eu tenho um indicador chamado "Trendsignal 'e produz sinais exatamente o mesmo que este Goldminer1 [/ QUOTE]

Could you please post this indicator trendsignal, it has alarm? Someone would goldminer1 this indicator or alarm?

I dont think you fully understand all of the information that is present.If you would have read the post and followed the link you would have been taken to option 2 which has another system with a EA attached.I will not post the link again.So before you jump to conclusions about what is or isnt available take 2 seconds bongo and dont glance actually READ and you will see EA SYSTEM IS AVAILABLE FOR FREE BONGO JUST FOLLOW THE LINK GENIUS.

Sorry, I will try.

Multibillion EA, that's it? You only made billions? Rookie! I make that daily.

Only on backtest and I need 3 days.LOL



So, Bongo,

Is the EA you are using available in any way, free or commercialy?



Hi Kevinator,

I have not had good success with the "original" Laguerre indicator and as a result did not follow its development. I now have Laguerre2-ACS1 and with more knowledge acquired, now appreciates the default settings of 0,6 / 0.8 / 2 / 2 even more.

Having said that, are you using the same default settings?

Secondly, I notice that once the indicator reaches its max/min-levels (@1.0 and 0), it pretty much will be too late to take an entry UNLESS you know where the trade is in terms of its cycle. I find the Stochastic to be beneficial in such a case. (See the Orange double line above the max-level as reference) - I did not include the Stochastic (8/50 on this pic).

Also, the break-away from these max/min-levels are very good "signals" when used in conjunction with the Stochastics.

Finally, your use of the 0.45 level as an entry:..............are you not too conservative here? Just curious and not criticising you or your style of trading.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

BTW, I think I made the XO-indicator "famous" here at TSD should you care to look at settings, etc.

laguerre_m5.gif  62 kb
Hi Kevinator,

I have not had good success with the "original" Laguerre indicator and as a result did not follow its development. I now have Laguerre2-ACS1 and with more knowledge acquired, now appreciates the default settings of 0,6 / 0.8 / 2 / 2 even more.

Having said that, are you using the same default settings?

Secondly, I notice that once the indicator reaches its max/min-levels (@1.0 and 0), it pretty much will be too late to take an entry UNLESS you know where the trade is in terms of its cycle. I find the Stochastic to be beneficial in such a case. (See the Orange double line above the max-level as reference) - I did not include the Stochastic (8/50 on this pic).

Also, the break-away from these max/min-levels are very good "signals" when used in conjunction with the Stochastics.

Finally, your use of the 0.45 level as an entry:..............are you not too conservative here? Just curious and not criticising you or your style of trading.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

BTW, I think I made the XO-indicator "famous" here at TSD should you care to look at settings, etc.

Hey Valeo,

I wish you an happy new year 2010 with much success

I see on your screenshot, an interesting setup.

Can you post the "fx trend" indicator or you can mail me if you prefer. It looks very interesting !




As previously stated my systems are user friendly and train the eye to notice certain events in the market.I will try to explain this as if you have no experience in the market and know nothing about trading.My systems are leading and not lagging meaning there is a window to take profit after the signal is given.Designed for the inexperienced trader so that he or she can make some sort of profit.

Your success with Laguarre really has nothing to do with this situation as I prefer NINA indicators or stepstoch.I noticed in your system the Semaphor indicator and began to wonder about what was your thinking adding such a notorious redraw indicator to a system.I personally do not use it as it has no beginning and no end.It couldnt even be used as a point of refrence.

Stochastic is not an indicator I would choose as it gives alot of false signals although it is a leading indicator at 8,3,3.It is another spaghetti indicator that is utterly worthless for trading or everyone would be using it.Why do you think its the default indicator?

Ir Eko Cayhono is a cheap Nina step developed by the malay traders with a few diffrent settings.If you take the bmw emblem off and put a ford emblem on is the car now a ford?

The whole system is just wrong.I cant make heads or tails from where to start and where to stop.Also I think Ive read the XO posts by you long ago and if It was so successful back then you would have incorperated them in your system today.

Last time I checked Amir wrote XO indicator in 2005.I dont think you've been here that long?So the fame was not yours to gain.I am simply stating the facts and giving my opinion about the information you presented.



any one can check this, the 2 indicator almost has the same crossing between ir eko and i trend indicator crossing to see the trend, like ADX +-...

you can search in the thread on pipmaker EA to get i trend indicator in this forum.

the i trend indicator built in the new pipmaker 17.3 EA in the page 194 (if i am not wrong about the page)...

the EA by itself has a lot of indicator you can choose to use it or not, the bulit in indicator like i trend, stocastic, stockastif filter, cci, fisher, rsi, nlma, macd, arsi, tma.....


Thank you very much for sharing this great and simple strategies, Kevinator. I was just waiting for the market to be open tomorrow to try the FrostBite strategy, but now we have another one to use. From the two, which one do you prefer?



bar range is a kick ass....thanks....