Your first $1,000,000... - page 4


So there have been a few views expressed in this thread that people certainly won't agree with. I certainly don't try to shove my opinions and views down people's throats. If it is brought up or asked of me, then yes, I will tell them what I think. I think a little salt goes a long way for thirsty people. I guess the only reason I went in the direction on the topic of home schooling was because it was brought up, even though it was a little off topic. I only brought it up because it was one of the things I was thinking about that I'd like to do if I had a better level of financial freedom than I have now. Also I give to the church and local Christian charities and would like to be able to give more, which would be possible under the previous sentiment. However, I suppose to restore this thread to order, I did not want this thread to become a preaching of the gospel or else I would've named it "The Jesus Saves Thread," nor did I want it to turn into a debate about American education. And I mean absolutely no offense to anyone out there by saying this.

So with that being said, lets return to the nature of what the thread was intended for and if we want to hash out other issues, we can PM each other or start new threads under this "Non-related discussions" forum. I am not opposed at all to discussing the aforementioned subjects at all, but new threads should be started for those subjects.

Just trying to be a bit diplomatic. OK?

So lets keep it going on what motivates us to want to become millionaires! Lets keep it coming. There has been good discussion on this and it has been interesting reading the replies. And be honest - if it is pure greed, then say so. If it is because it would enable you to help others more, then say that too. Its all open here!



Much love to you Dave, and do remember to put in a good word for me, I'm gonna need it.

And I don't think you can make a million bucks without some help from the guy above. Just looking at the drawdowns when trading a big account will turn most hardened professional to the good book, and a stiff drink. With each tick, going up thousands of dollars one way or another, that's not a normal person is prepared for.