Your first $1,000,000...


Here's a question you probably don't ask yourself everyday. What would be the one goal that you'd refuse to attain until after you made your first million dollars? Whats the one thing that you want the most that you could actually hold out on until you made that first million - as a reward or goal, so to speak?

This question has plagued me for days. It makes me re-evaluate things. It gives me a goal to achieve. For me, perhaps I would hold out on buying a home until I have reached that goal. There are many other factors in my life as well, though.

There are things I could probably accomplish that are near and dear to my heart along the way to making my first million. For example, I could stay home and enjoy the company of my son more - because as it stands, I have a job that requires me to travel a lot, plus my wife divorced me last year. So I don't get to see my child very often. But I don't need a million dollars to achieve that. Heck, if I were able to become a full-time trader, that alone would fulfill that need.

On my way to that one million dollar goal, I could get my teeth fixed. I have a few cavities that need fixing and have never had a job with dental, nor the money to outright have them fixed. But, I don't need a million for that either.

One of my life's ambitions is to someday become a philanthropist. I already give to a local charity with what little I can. Imagine if I could hand them a check for $10,000 or more! Wouldn't that just make their day? I wouldn't want to do it for recognition either, but rather in secret. I'm one of those kind of people who, if I had a million dollars, would live pretty much like anyone else. You wouldn't be able to pick me out of a crowd by looking at me and be able to say, "I bet that guy is a millionaire!"

Perhaps I'll actually get a passport and go to another country for a vacation with my son for the first time in my life. I'd love to go to Australia.

I'm still trying to make up my mind. But perhaps some of you have something in mind for yourselves.

I'm hoping to inspire someone out there. We all know that we want currency exchange to be our vehicle to get to that place or we wouldn't be here. We all agree that we would rather have our money work for us rather than work for our money. We all know that we want to work smarter and not harder. We're all working towards that pivot point (no pun intended) that turns things around for us. But what is the real motivating factor for you? What is the main goal?

Once I have figured it out for myself, I'm going to write it down and post it here. I know I have a multitude of reasons, but I'd like to narrow my goals down to a few things. Perhaps in a few short questions, we could ask ourselves:

1. What is the one thing I'm going to do/buy for someone else once I reach this goal? Perhaps, take care of my parents or grandparents. Maybe even take your family to a place they've never been to.

2. What is the one thing I'm going to do/buy for myself once I reach this goal? Maybe buy that house or car you've always wanted. Or simply get away for a while and take that well deserved, long needed break.

Perhaps you can add the line of questioning.

So lets hear it! What say you? Lets all have some heart-to-heart discussion! I'd like this to be a positive and encouraging discussion. If you have something to contribute, then by all means, please do. If not, then please keep silent. Let this be the dreamers' AND achievers' thread!



If you have already hit your goal, please do share what your motivating factor was.


Give of yourself.........

You don't have to give money to be able to "give" - people appreciate your time even more than money. I am sure right now your son will appreciate a visit more than what money can buy. Look for opportunities to give of yourself more than of your earthly possessions and you may soon find yourself to be fullfilled.

Best wishes.



Why do you have to wait to do these? You don't need a million. I'm sure that in your own town there are things you can do with a lot less money.

To give an example, In the weeks leeding into Christmass this past year. I read about a kid who broke hes neck in an accident and was parrilized from the neck down. As the story went he had no way to get out of the house as it was not handicap equipted and being locked up was hes nightmare of being alone. So what this was in a town 1800 miles from my home, I was just passing through, not my problem right! Instead I called the paper and located him. I showed up at his house on Christmass day unanouced with a new dell laptop computer, speech software, wireless epuipment, web cam, and some other stuff to help him use the computer, costs no way near a mil, it was around $1,000. The smile on the kids face now that was worth a MILLION.

As fare as you helping your parants out, well, what kind of son would wait till he got a million before helping them?


1. What is the one thing I'm going to do/buy for someone else once I reach this goal? Perhaps, take care of my parents or grandparents. Maybe even take your family to a place they've never been to.


I don't wait until it happens, I just continue to live my life. If it is going to happen, it will. I don't deprive myself now because I wouldn't want that kind of life. It's good to have a million bucks in the bank, but it'll be a pretty boring life.

It is good and ok to dream, but don't build and start your life when it happens.


A million is not enough to live from the interest ! (damn, i talk in my country i don't know in USA)


Totally agree with cockeyedcowboy, helping others doesn't need money, it need a big heart, and since hunting elephants & whales is illegal, you need to grow your own heart, so eat well and do more sport.


I would buy a FORD GT40 in full race trim and an enclosed trailer. I would put my Miata track car in the trailer and take it to the track. The next time, I would put the FORD GT40 in the trailer and watch all the other drivers drool...LOL! Let's see them pass me now!

I would then travel the world and enjoy life. I would only trade on NFP Friday's or when a specific opportunity presented itself.

I would learn how to make tortillas like they do at Burritos Padillas in Puerto Penasco, Mexico - best burritos in all of Mexico.

I would redo my ranch house. Not to mention buy lots of fun toys for it.

I would go to all the events that I wanted to go to. Of course, I would take my buddies with me. We would dress inappropriately...LOL!

There's a few other personal items I would see to.


I also agree with the posters who say not to wait. I don't. In fact, I will be heading to the Dback's home opener shortly. Life is too short to miss opening day of baseball.



Why did you quite, you still have a few hundred dollars leftover from hte million. You can take all your friends for a trip to the local DQ for ice cream.

I would buy a FORD GT40 in full race trim and an enclosed trailer. I would put my Miata track car in the trailer and take it to the track. The next time, I would put the FORD GT40 in the trailer and watch all the other drivers drool...LOL! Let's see them pass me now!

I would then travel the world and enjoy life. I would only trade on NFP Friday's or when a specific opportunity presented itself.

I would learn how to make tortillas like they do at Burritos Padillas in Puerto Penasco, Mexico - best burritos in all of Mexico.

I would redo my ranch house. Not to mention buy lots of fun toys for it.

I would go to all the events that I wanted to go to. Of course, I would take my buddies with me. We would dress inappropriately...LOL!

There's a few other personal items I would see to.


I also agree with the posters who say not to wait. I don't. In fact, I will be heading to the Dback's home opener shortly. Life is too short to miss opening day of baseball.
You don't have to give money to be able to "give" - people appreciate your time even more than money. I am sure right now your son will appreciate a visit more than what money can buy. Look for opportunities to give of yourself more than of your earthly possessions and you may soon find yourself to be fullfilled. Best wishes.

I never said you had to have money to give. As stated, I give what I can to a charity. As far as my time is concerned, I have very little time to give because I'm always gone due to my job. Its just one of the downsides of my field of trade.

I don't wait until it happens, I just continue to live my life. If it is going to happen, it will. I don't deprive myself now because I wouldn't want that kind of life.

I do live my life. It could be better financially than what it is, and I definitely don't need a million to get there. As far as depriving my self of something - I just mean ONE THING - maybe as a goal or reward.

It's good to have a million bucks in the bank, but it'll be a pretty boring life.

I doubt that very seriously. Boring? You know how many people I could give my time to if I never had to work for a living? I think it would be fun.

It is good and ok to dream, but don't build and start your life when it happens.

The building is now. The learning is now. This is an exciting journey for me. I think it is GREAT to dream.

Big Joe:
A million is not enough to live from the interest ! (damn, i talk in my country i don't know in USA)

LOL - I like how you think!!!