Searching threads quickly for the info you need


Hi guys,

I guess if you've been in TSD long enough you'll notice that it is getting increasingly difficult to search for exact information within a thread, especially those 100+ page threads. Here's how I find the information i need quickly with my good friend Google.

1) Enter the thread you want. Usually the URL in the address bar will show something like this:

xxxx is the name of the thread.

Note that if you process through the pages of the thread there will be a number at the back e.g. xxxx-2.html for page 2. Please ignore the number. Only the first page of the thread doesn't have a number.

2) At the first page of the thread, copy the the whole url minus the ".html" at the end.


copy only

3) Go to google (there's a search bar on the right of TSD logo) and type this format e.g. "site:"

4) In front of "site" type in the information you require

e.g. I'm looking for settings for an EA, so I would type:

"settings site:"

5) The more info you type infront of "site" the narrower your search.

e.g. "settings Alpari 5min site:"

Hope this helps, I hope newcomers will use this method to find the require information instead of asking questions that have been answered many times before.




It's usefull.

Thanks a lot.


Thanks for making our lives easier.



Just want to make attention to this thread.

I am using this searching method and it's working fine even to search some posts on the forum.


Some other cheats:

We want to look for some specific indicator.

On the google box (I prefer the advanced box) we write:

wpr filetype mq4 site:[/php]On previous example I was looking for Williams Range with alert. I've found it with clip tool but I didn't know where was located.

We can also search within dates.

Let's suppose we want search about MACD posts on last 10 days:

On this case I suggest the Google Advanced Box or...

Doing this by hands it's a bit complicated because Google uses Julian days

If we prefer this way we could use some free converter from Julian Day to Gregorian first:

Julian Day Number Calculations

Julian Date Converter

And then we can search last 10 days posts with MACD on MT4 Indicators Section

[php]daterange:2454758-2454789 MACD site:

We can also search by one word on the text only

allintext: macd site:[/PHP]

Search only the the threads titled with MACD subject on the URL

allinurl: macd site:

OR search only the the threads titled with MACD subject on the thread


allintitle: macd site:

I like to do the things manually often but must of this cheats could be applied from the Google Advanced search.




thanks linuxser for bringing another methode of searching using google box,

it's useful


Forex Indicators Collection


I have another trick. Maybe is widely know but often members write to me asking where is the post.

Often on post you see something like:

There are so many of these indicators to use which is the best one??

Just Click on the little arrow to go to the quoted post.


This is usefull specially when we see some post something like:

I just made this indicator, please, test it.
Please somebody can make this one on separate window?

It's OK if the quoted post is on last page or so but what if we don't know where is it. So, best way to find it is by clicking on the little arrow.



Thanks nice information, thanks for your help.


How would you search a thread that only has three characters in its title?

Is it possible to search for an indicator?