

Hi Fellow Traders

Let me state something for the record -I do not Code EAs

I only code Indicators if i can help and have the spare time, i am starting to get a little frustrated with people who request the world then give me attitude when i tell them that i can't help them,

Look People I help where and when i can, I do it all for FREE and the very least i expect is a little civility and a polite response, i can not possibly code up all the stuff people request I have a life and bills to pay like everyone else and on occasion as inconsiderate as it may sound i do spend time outside of Forex.

1/ I will help when I can as time permits

2/ I do not Code EAs - Let me repeat that - I do not Code EAs

3/ If you ask for something to be done at least supply some of the neccassary info required - namely at least put in some effort.

4/ Do not keep changing your mind or adding different aspects each time an Indicator is finished - let me know everything that i need to know right from the beginning

5/ After i have posted the indicator at least acknowledge that you have recieved it

If you do not like the conditions I have set I suggest you learn to code just as I did and do it yourself.



cja, i can't say anything about those SICK people . i agree with stav01 that you have contributed a LOT in this forum. You have been sharing your great indicators for free.

Although i rarely post (my english isn't that good), i really appreciate your contributions. So, take your time & try not to mind those SICK people


Thank you for your contributions CJA, it's very much appreciated from us lurkers.



You have contributed a lot. People should be grateful. You should report those who give you a bad attitude and get them banned. What a world!



hi cja , you're one of our asset here 've done well for this forum ...if there're some people with bad attitude ..actually these people don't know who you're


Forex Indicators Collection


Thank You

CJA.... thank you for all your indicators.... greatly appreciated.......



give me some names. I've got a 2x4 which works wonders on thick headed mongrels.


thankz a lot masta

thank you masta for your contributions.

i appreciated for a lot your kindness..

thankz masta


Do you realize without coders such a cja...Forex-tsd would not be one of these top forums with a lot of would be a graveyard here...

think about it..

I think that when a coder displays his talent that ND should send a PM quietly inviting him to the Elite Section of this Forum free of charge...maybe ND does that now I do not know and it really is not my point to discover that...its just that these souls that have a talent should have a benefit above and beyond the good feelings that they get for helping another stranger.



thank you CJA!

Thank you for all of your contribution CJA! you should be awarded much more than this...

I have download many essential inicators and some the great of them are yours! trully work of wizard!!!


CJA.....Thank You very much for all your had changed my life.

Please carry on the good work..some people are born complainers they won't matter in the long run.

You are doing a great work to people around..

You have lots of good karmic points

Thanks again.