Question to NewDigital and/or Igorad......


There is an indicator I'm using that has this link posted in it:

TrendLaboratory : TrendLaboratory

Says the mod is Igorad, however I don't know if it's the same Igorad on TSD. If so, I was going to request that he have a look @ the indicator as it seems to have a small bug in it and if it's his code, he might have an easier time figuring it out.

Looking forward to your reply(ies).




Yes, it is the same Igorad. It is his yahoo group.

Igorad is posting some indicators/EAs to public threads of our forum. But some indicators/EAs he is posting on his yahoo group and in our elite section (in the same time). As I know many coders are doing the same.

So, I am not sure about your indicator:

- if it is from his yahoo group so it is commercial.

- Igorad is posting a lot of his commercial (from his yahoo group) indicators/EAs to elite section so if you are elite member - it is easy to ask in elite section.

Or ask in his yahoo group if you are member of.

Or it is the better to write PM to Igorad and ask.

Yes, it is the same Igorad. It is his yahoo group.

Igorad is posting some indicators/EAs to public threads of our forum. But some indicators/EAs he is posting on his yahoo group and in our elite section (in the same time). As I know many coders are doing the same.

So, I am not sure about your indicator:

- if it is from his yahoo group so it is commercial.

- Igorad is posting a lot of his commercial (from his yahoo group) indicators/EAs to elite section so if you are elite member - it is easy to ask in elite section.

Or ask in his yahoo group if you are member of.

Or it is the better to write PM to Igorad and ask.

Thank you for all the info. Dude, I don't know how you do it. Like your in 10 places @ once. Really appreciate everything ya do, bro.

