55bc - page 16



I think broker is IB FX


Thank U!

Hi Stellaman!

I really thank you for sharing your system. It worked so nicely on major currencies except USD/JPY, EUR/JPY and it made me smile.

BTW I have a single question about the system. Once the 55 bc signal arrow appears on the chart, does it stay without disappearing?

If so, I'm going to love your system for a long long time.




Ok. Now I really see a problem

I have just finished downloading the ibfx platform and transfered all indicators and template into it. The visual result is exactly the same as in Northfinance. The position of the arrow is very different from yours, thestellaman. I don't know why, but i won't be confident that i'm following your pattern if there is such a variation. Are you still using all the default settings you uploaded?

The chart is as of the same time you posted ... a little more though.

I also checked all the indicator settings and found that "allow dll imports" was not checked. Is this the way it was supposed to be? I checked them anyway, but there's still no difference.

I really do need help here

I have just finished downloading the ibfx platform and transfered all indicators and template into it. The visual result is exactly the same as in Northfinance. The position of the arrow is very different from yours, thestellaman. I don't know why, but i won't be confident that i'm following your pattern if there is such a variation. Are you still using all the default settings you uploaded?

The chart is as of the same time you posted ... a little more though.

I also checked all the indicator settings and found that "allow dll imports" was not checked. Is this the way it was supposed to be? I checked them anyway, but there's still no difference.

I really do need help here

hi luvForex, its ok your doing everything right,the settings are ok,the reason your signal this morning was earlier than the one in the pict i posted was because the one in the pict is on a live account and not on a demo..........i know because on my demo charts that i use to play around with things on gave me the same signal as what yours did as usual there is slight differences in the price on demo accounts compared to live charts,suppose thats why a lot of traders advise actually live trading on a micro lot $0.01 per lot rather than demo,not only do you get the actual feeds but your learning to keep control of those emotions a bit and even though its only a few cents your more likely to keep control of any losses you may have as its real money(albeit a few cents) rather than letting them run into the tens of thousands in your demo .the more cynical and conspiracy theorists among us may beleive that the lovely broker peeps do it to lull you into a false sense of security on a demo before swiftly relieving you of your hard earned cash.........anyway thats the reason nothing to do with the settings,hope that helps you out a bit......................hope the picts make it a bit clearer



if any1 wants it here is the 55 bc signal indicator with the signal and lines draw in if it helps any1 out rather than just the signal


p.s may have a breakout conformation to go along with the 55 bc signal,seems to be uncanny how it lines up,so a bit more scrolling backwards thru the charts to see,if anyone fancys having a look i will post the indicator of that as well.........it is just the breakout eagle that we already use with different settings,but will post one with the settings already in place so you dont need to keep changing back and forth...........on the subject of settings for the breakout eagle indicator please insure your settings are as follows

period begin 05.00

period end 11.00

box end 11.00

this is due to uk being back in british summertime........i noticed in the chart that luvforex posted that his trade box was off by an hour.........my mistake for posting indicator with old settings,i shall banish my self to the pub to watch the football tonight as punishment anyway indicators below.

pps.......before i get asked 12 million times..........please do not put BOTH versions on breakout eagle indicator on the same chart as the WILL NOT show up........thanks


thestellaman please,

hi luvForex, its ok your doing everything right,the settings are ok,the reason your signal this morning was earlier than the one in the pict i posted was because the one in the pict is on a live account and not on a demo..........i know because on my demo charts that i use to play around with things on gave me the same signal as what yours did as usual there is slight differences in the price on demo accounts compared to live charts,suppose thats why a lot of traders advise actually live trading on a micro lot $0.01 per lot rather than demo,not only do you get the actual feeds but your learning to keep control of those emotions a bit and even though its only a few cents your more likely to keep control of any losses you may have as its real money(albeit a few cents) rather than letting them run into the tens of thousands in your demo .the more cynical and conspiracy theorists among us may beleive that the lovely broker peeps do it to lull you into a false sense of security on a demo before swiftly relieving you of your hard earned cash.........anyway thats the reason nothing to do with the settings,hope that helps you out a bit......................hope the picts make it a bit clearer


I do not mean to flatter; but i must commend such dilligence and willingness to help as i have seen in you, which is not common. The information about descrepancies between demo and live accounts was both a shocker and eye-opener for me! Thanks for that.

I use the same platform for both my real and demo accounts though. I switched from demo to the real and found the arrow still at the point it was in the demo. Is this supposed to be? Please let me bother you a little: You drew a line on your attached chart, refering to it as the '55bc line'; this does not appear on the chart. How do you determine it? It may help me to know how to take trades manually, so if the arrows and sound don't come, i should still be able to take the right trade. A 2nd concern is the fact that 'allow DLL imports' is not checked on most of the indicators; is this the way it should be?

I hope you understand my position. I have blown my real account a number of times with different systems (well, i guess everyone's got to have that line to be a forex trader at any level). Rather than back out, i decided to start trying out sytems on demo. I do not mean to exaggerate when i say this beats them all. Of all the systems i've used, this one seem to give me the confidence to 'bounce back'. This is why i really need to get it straight all the way.

Sorry for the long sermon. And thanks for all your effort.


todays trade..........

ok before i get castrated and the whichhunt begins.........let me provide a qoute from my first post

as i say not 100% mechanical as in my opinion (for what its worth) i dont think there can be as there are too many variables to take into consideration. and .....gut feeling.....

so thats why when i came home last night and seen that yeterdays move went to over 200 pips ,i knew right away that i was not trading today and was having a long lie in my bed to sooth away the oncoming hangover...........so thats why im just up and did not trade today...............

I use the same platform for both my real and demo accounts though. I switched from demo to the real and found the arrow still at the point it was in the demo.

hiya luvforex ok lets try and get this sorted.........ok i assume that you dont use ibfx as your broker so on the charts that you have your live account and demo account on with that broker the signal is on the same place...YES ??

if yes then i would say that it is just the slight variation of feed from broker to broker.

i know that you installed an ibfx chart to check that but again i assume that on the ibfx chart it was only a demo and not a live account ...yes??

if yes then thats why the signal is still on the same place.

Please let me bother you a little: You drew a line on your attached chart, refering to it as the '55bc line'; this does not appear on the chart. How do you determine it? It may help me to know how to take trades manually, so if the arrows and sound don't come, i should still be able to take the right trade. A 2nd concern is the fact that 'allow DLL imports' is not checked on most of the indicators; is this the way it should be?

i posted the indicator with the lines in the post above your reply im answering ...........and about the "allow DLL imports " thats only for the use of EXPERT ADVISORS so dont worry about checking that box


sorry i have not been around lately to keep the thread up todate ,but have been making what i think is a great addition to the 55bc system in the way of a great exit strategy for it ,whilst opening my own website and forum to carry on the 55 bc legacy, i will try and keep this thread up 2 date even if it is just copy pastes from my own forum to here,but why not pop on over and see whats happening with the system............

................cheers the stellaman


heres a pict of current trade sofar .....up 29 pips


Great system

thestellaman, thanks for sharing the system, it works. great job.