55bc - page 15


Hey Going Forward!


You may have another templates folder in your "experts" folder.

Hope it helps...

Wow! didn't know a helping hand was that close-by. Thanks. I am afraid however that there is only one template folder in my experts. Any other suggestions?

Note: this problem doesn't always happen. i have downloaded a few templates that actually showed up


ok.......some explanation of the "new look"........

there have not been any significant changes made to 55bc .

the only 2 main differences are ...

1. the 55bc signal..........this is basically just the same as the original TRENDENVELOPES signal that i was using but i have tweeked it a little to only give a signal when the price is 10 pips either above/below the old signal............the smart ones will realise this is just the same as in the old charts when we waited for the price to close above/below the buy/sell zones.........so no change really just tidyed up the chart and the signal is now less reducing some false signals

2.the addition of the 55bc macd............this may or not stay in the set up,it is added with some high parameters.........(again like i explained away at the beginning this i feel gives me the feel of a higher timeframe)and helps just confirm the signals...........

i should add with regards to this indicator if used as conformation when a zero line cross is made it feels a bit more secure,albeit gets you in a little later but seems to filter out a small amount of trades(will post a pict to explain a bit more)

in the pict below you can see on trade 1 that all conformations are there and the macd has crossed below zero.........on trade 2 you can see the first vertical line on the original signal the macd has changed colour but is still below zero and on the second red line the macd has crossed above zero both valid but as i said the second is a bit more safer

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first signal of the week

ok while doing the last post the first signal of the week happened and price has fallen really sharply............and the first 20 pips of the week has been greatfully received

and a good example of the previous post about the earlier macd conformation and the more safe cross over conformation

something i would like to add to this signal when price moves so quickly is that when you look at previous signals the really stong moves are 99% of the time nice smooth moves I.E the actual bar when the signal is givin is maybe only 5 - 10 pips strong and not like the big bar we see below in the majority of cases like the signal below the price will more often than not retrace at least 50% back on itself if not more,thats primarily the reason for the 20 pip take profit.

of course other options are available like multiple lots ,move to break even after certain amount of pips etc etc etc..........

1 thing i was looking at and that is when i decided on the 7am to 12 am box to trade in that if a signal is taken and left to run until close of 1200 bar that it is usually a good run hence last weeks trades that i posted...........something to maybe think about..................

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2nd trade for today..........another 20 pips in the bank.............looks like thats it for today for me................good luck all

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What we suffer for being ignorant!

You do not have to put templates there. When open chart, just go to the Load Template and click the location where the template is located.


thanks a whole lot.

hmmmmmmmmmmm..............well i suppose thoughts and expresion about "trying to IMPROVE" this method are good but the past lot of posts since i posted new picts and templates just seem to make a mess of a thread, with i think only 1 reasonable question in them,there seems to ALWAYS be a question floated around ALL the forex forums and that is" WHY DO THREADS WITHER UP AND DIE AND THE ORIGINATOR OF THE THREAD GIVE UP POSTING ON IT,DOES IT TURN OUT AFTER A WEEK OR TWO THAT THE METHOD TURNS OUT TO BE RUBISH ETC ETC ETC........................"well and this is only my opinion,i think that threads get so messed up and you end up having to read thru pages and pages of crap posts with peeps just flinging indicators into the mix without any real evidence that it WILL improve THINGS .......AND posting thoughts and asking QUESTIONS that answers have already been asked and answered,peeps skip reading thru entire threads and just skip to the end and this is because threads get so messed up and go away of in a direction so far away from the original thread that it becomes just a mess, and thats why I THINK threads just wither up and die and NOT because the system method does not work...........

so may i ask that form now on ANY questions are directed to me thru PM to me and NOT posted on the thread,and any question that i think is resonable and relevent i will post on the thread for all to see.

this is a method that i believe in and make good pips with,i have learned a lot from this forum and that is why i like to try and give something back, IF the above request seems out of order then so be it then i will leave you all to it and i guarantee the thread will just become another method resigned to the depths of the tsd search engine,lets try and help each other to make some pips after all thats what we are here for.

ok rant over its up to you now what kind of thread you would like amessed up one or a nice clean positive and well managed thread that is full of good information...........thestellaman


If you mean me,I AM SORRY.

Please do not use bmp expention for images. Because image files with bmp is very big sized and many members simple will not load this page because of that.

Use gif or jpg/jpeg. Or gif.

ok ND went back and replaced all bmp with jpg.

Hi anybody.

If i can get help out of this, then i may never have a problem with these things again! I can't understand why most templates i download never shows on my templates folder! All the indicators are in the indicators folder,but the tpl files, no matter how many times i download to: c/metatrader/northfinance/templates and restart my platform, it just won't show. I'm doing or not doing something, right? Someone, anyone, help me out of this.

And thanks in advance

just open up a new empty GDP/USD chart on 5 mins,forget about the template and just open up each of the indicators on the new chart and hey presto.......then right click the chart scroll down to template then goto save template type in a name .............job done

hi thestelaman, what timeframe do you use? i use tf 1 H it seem that is not a good day for me.., i trade Eur/jpy today..you can see that the price is slow..

i use the ~@~:?>@~ timeframe, the same timeframe i mentioned in the very first post

and i dont trade EUR/JPY so no i woudnt know that price is going slow today,im sorry you feel the need to cry on my thread about a trade that you obviously lost trading on a pair and a timeframe that i dont know anything about.........i asume you used this method to get your losing trade........well maybe if you used this method to trade it on the currency pair and the timeframe that i mention in the first post then maybe you would be happy like me as i have made 45 pips using this method this morning,i apolgise if you feel im biting your head of,but if you cant follow the rules and go of and do your own thing then please dont moan about it on the thread as i do not feel it is constructive in any way

and that concludes another page of nonsense................in one ear and out the other arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


sorry thestelaman i didn`t mean like that..i just wanna ask u about time frame..i like your sistem..


todays 20 pips

heres todays 20 pip trade..............thats 3 in a row for the week so far

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Different signals!

Hi Stellaman

Still trying to get a hang of this system (and being fresh at these things don't help either). I just noticed that the signals you received this morning did not show up on mine. I think this will be due to the broker settings. What broker do you use? I use Northfinance and it's giving me signals in the weirdest places.

Is there any possibility of making an adjustment to the settings? ( i feel like i'm talking rubbish; i've only read of this being done, don't know nothing about it). If not, then i may have to use your broker.

And by the way, you are a real smart guy with a big heart!

Hey, wait a minute! i scrolled back and the previous signals are all in the right places. So why is today's different? Please help.
