New Approach and Last Experiment - page 2


Fellow Traders,

No one is saying something here (I understand that making comments in such a thread is quite difficult) but I am encouraged with the amount of visitors and like to continue my monologue

My trading day is over and I allow myself to post results here. Today I have to post my first loss using my strategy. I have made some adjustement to my system and went directly using new settings and finished up in a loss. The lesson is learned: never change your trading system or even parts of it while doing experiment. Whatever, I am still in plus and that is positive. Tomarrow I will use my old properties.

Meanwhile here is a summary: todays retur was -4769. All in all I have 4234 USD Return in 5 trading days.

Bellow I post my account value summary and screenshot of the last page.

See you tomorrow



People visiting this forum are not interested by watching trading results from others..they are mainly interested to share and learn profitable strategies.....

Posting trading results without explaining your strategies is useless ..... while posting your strategy would give others the opportunity to test it and make suggestions for improving it...

People visiting this forum are not interested by watching trading results from others..they are mainly interested to share and learn profitable strategies..... Posting trading results without explaining your strategies is useless ..... while posting your strategy would give others the opportunity to test it and make suggestions for improving it...

Well, I see. But I have not started my thread to show my results. I thought someone would ask smoething about my strategy as I am ready to reveal the biggest part of it.

Whatever lets see what happens


Results for 31.01.2007

Dear Traders,

After heavy losses last day my account is recovering again. I had a normal trading day with returns of 1970 USD. Accumulated return of 6 trading days is 6204 USD. For me the trading week is finished and I evaluate it as a very positive.

Several people were here a bit angry because I show here my results without saying anything about my strategy. They ask then: what is the reason of opening this thread if I only show you my trading results?

Well first of all I would like to state that I am willing to speak about my strategy. Some are asking: what is your strategy? People asking that did not look at files I put here I guess in other case they could see the strategy I use or at least the idea behind. And after that the question would be more concrete: why did you that and not this? I expect such questions.

Further I strongly believe that forex provides a huge opportunity to become rich. We always hear people saying: 95 per cent of traders lost their money. Or: 95 per cent lost their money and other 5 do so but do not accept this fact and so on. Well maybe this 95 per cent figure is right. I do not know, I have never seen statistics. I know forex is hard job. But why should I care? Why should you care? Most important thing is: forex is good for making money and second most important thing is how you perform and not other 75 or 95 per cent. We start investing and virtually everyone is trying to convince us that we are losers in advance. At the end we believe we will lost and of course we do.

I would like to assure you that I do not know something most of you do not know.

With this experiment I would like to prove myself and prove to you that using normal market knowledge it is possible to be successful on this market. It is not up to 95 per cent of market participants, it is not up to some experts or gurus or signal providers (I know what I am speaking about, I tried a lot) but it is up to me and it is UP TO YOU to make it. That is reason of opening this thread

I remain.

People visiting this forum are not interested by watching trading results from others..they are mainly interested to share and learn profitable strategies..... Posting trading results without explaining your strategies is useless ..... while posting your strategy would give others the opportunity to test it and make suggestions for improving it...

Then there is no need for you on this "useless" thread. So go and start clicking on the thousands of other threads with strategies being discussed.

Are you not entertained? LOL.

I love watching other people trade and their results. Keep up the good work, man.

Edit: Althought it is quite difficult to understand the statements. Can't really figure out if you are buying or selling.



You ought to understand why people hardly interested with your thread. I looked at your files, but I get nothing to extract from them. You didn't put the open prices of your trades, the closing prices, stops, t/ps, and in fact, only the $$$ result of the trades. What would you expect others to learn from that? If nobody can extract anything from that, there's nothing to learn, and when there's nothing to learn, there's nothing to discuss about. If there's nothing to discuss about, then this thread is practically a monologue with hardly any value. It's great that you could gain something from your system, but if you don't want to share anything useful here, people would even consider you simply showing off. Even the curious ElectricSavant found nothing useful from this thread.


whats annoying is when folks open up your post they are curious as to what your methodology is and end up wondering why we should care that your losing your shirt if you dont share your process.

thanks for share ...practice account means demo account ? or live?

i never practice on a live account thats for sure... its real money!!! and i dont wanna lose it...


So what is the P/L now? It looked kinda choppy there in Feb.