Wave_AutoTrendLines - New MT4 indicator - page 7


working indi

i had a working version of it, but i should search for it on my HD...i will post it, if i find it...


attachment working indi

here is it, but i hope i can attach it...




I would like to hear an answer to cadolinos question too (except for the part regarding my name (but I can suppose that the other mentioned people can say the same) : I did not take any part in writing that indicator nor did I take any part in that kind of code decompiling, changing or posting on TSD or anywhere else)


Maybe a time to tell something more about "decompiling" : I do have a decompiler too (as probably a lot of people reading this post have it too, since it is more or less in the open for 3-4 months now)

And also I find it (the decompiler and the decompiled code) useless : decompiled code can not be used to learn since it lacks any clarity of a well written code and I always lived in the impression that learning is what the main goal of posting some code is about. Apart from hackers loving it for being able to remove protection from code any "normal" usage is simply meaningless. It takes less time to write one new indicator than to try to understand what the hell some variable or some peace of cryptic code means.

So, from any point of view, it is much more "economic" to do the job from the scratch : code is going to be clear, code is going to be efficient and in the process of coding one is going to learn.


Usages like mine when I am using it to find out who renamed one of my or someone elses code and than posts it as her/his own work, are clearly not what someone had in mind when making decompiler. Just see the flood of magic indicators "made" by people that never in their life posted any original code anywhere. Of course I would like to know what are they stealing this time and if I can stop it, to stop it.


hello xard777

i'm somewhat irritated because of the decompiled indicatiors you share on this forum...

do mladen, cja, igor and all the other member know, that you put their name in the header of a such "cracked" indicators?...is it "allowed" to share such "illegal" software here?...


here you go....


PS I disabled a few functions for my own personal use but you can redo them ok.

PPS Have included the default settings also I Have No Recollection Of Those Events...so please forward future questions to someone else.

hello xard777

i'm somewhat irritated because of the decompiled indicatiors you share on this forum...

do mladen, cja, igor and all the other member know, that you put their name in the header of such "cracked" indicators?...is it "allowed" to share such "illegal" software here?...




I have to check in too on this subject. I to see that decompiled code has only one purpose and that is to steal someones property. I have to say that one can not learn from decompiled code as most of it is not readily understandable. If one were to add additional garbage into the code it can be even more so. The only purpose is to alter primative stops.

I have to say I too have a decompiler (NO! I will not, so dont email me) I am using it to try to see if there is a way to disable it without going to extreams. I can write code in a way that it is not readable to humans but still ok for the computer. I am trying to see if embeding some code is possible. If I can find a way I will gladly post how to do it. Attached is one such code block that is not readable but will work just the same. (see attached code)

People ask why I dont post some of my work, Its because If I want it for sale for $39.95 on E-bay I will sell it there myself. If the only way to protect my work is not to make it public then let it be so.



really usefully! How can I buy it?


??? Ok, what was the subject of this thread again? Good job everybody???