3_Level_ZZ_Semafor (indicator for MT4) - page 29



Are you able to create an indicator that places an arrow on the numbers 1 or 2 at the close of the bar directly after a 3 occuring at the same level as the 1 or 2 but it needs to be dynamically created not static since the all numbers move according to the market. Another words once a 1 or 2 is found to look back and see if the last number occuring is a 3 and occurs at the same level.

Get me?



semafors can be used perfectly, they may re-paint however they can get you an 80 - 90 percent success rate if used correctly, and with patience, you think they move, and you say they repaint, thats just a created phrase, its the price action which moves the semafor and not the other way round, master the price action which is not so difficult and you will see how perfect the semafors can be, i use the system with only the 3's and it works a ok for me.. phew as he wipes his brow thought i'd get that off my chest.. if anyone is serious about making an ea. pls get in touch and we can do something pretty amazing..i have a plan..if your interested that is.


If you know the price action you dont need the semafor lol why bother with it and if you can get 80-90% winners then show 3 months of trading, using it live.

The thing is you get 80-90 % winners that capture 1000 pips but the 20% losers lose what 3000 pips? I'f I'm wrong correct me or show some results to confirm your achievements.

Winners to losers mean nothing depending on the R:R ratio. If you have a 1:1 or more over at least 3 months live trading I would be very interested in hearing what you have to say.


sounds good

my question is which catagory do we choose to belong to, eg, its great being a member here at tsd, but why should i have to prove anything to anyone, u see this all the time, show me the results show me this, well hombre surely we all realise what works for one person does not always work for another, so no i have nothing to prove to you and i dont need too my friend why an earth should i, all i can say is sure you want proof of my showreel as a producer in the world of media, sure done deal, you want my stats on fx, then thats a no, i never offered them, never will, why an earth should one even contmeplate trying apise another person - at the end of the day be happy and remember fx is hard work, everyone is looking for an easy buck, a system which u just press teh button and hey bingo, again my take is simple match a semafor against price action, and if you cant figure out the repeat elements of price action especially with the cable then you shouldnt be in the game..thanks for the offer, but take a look at your own stats and then go figure as they say..


way out

oh and tradeability, how an earth can one even suggest that the final 20% diifference is or could ever be greater than the amount prior to this of 80 per cent, now if a trader thinks like that then sorry my friend but thats scary, no wonder people look at semafors and say oh but they moved - and a great question u mentioned why should one even need to use seamfors with such a high success rate, well truth be known, i like them, visually and they work for me, as they say if it aint broken then it dont need fixing, take it easy my friend.

monday watch the euro dollar go for 145.. plus change.



So why are you here, what do you need or want since you can predict price action with a high degree of certainty using the semafor? Mind you that is what a semafor is ...just shows you the turns which you don't need to see that lol I can do as perfectly as the semafor putting the 3 and moving them to the most appropriate position.

I am here to try and create working rules for an EA. Why are you here Mr Money bags lol...if you're here for the same reason then lets do it, thats what the thread is for here. The semafor won't work as is in an EA...you as a trader make many choices and can change them at any given time whilst trading using EA just follows rules. Any repainting indicator will be descructive in an EA because it will produce many false signals. Now if you're going to say you will use other indicators with it then the zz is not needed since the other indicators are justifying a position. The question is here can it be used in a certain way in an EA successfully?


good to talk this is level one of three

btw notice how there is mention of only one indicator...well thank gods lets move on from semafors and into a far greater sphere of creating an ea, is it coincidence that the majority of traders achieve a far greater rate of success when not foucsing on the monetary aspect, think about it for a moment if you can try and look at you charts in a different way, look at a candlestick pattern try 30 min chart say cable and see it in 3d as a travelling wave coming towards you, back gound and fore ground, then interchange to an over view from above of a chart looking down, look at the waves and you will logicaly see the strength and weakness, like a wave coming in or going out from a beach, combine these two elements wave towards, and wave from above and you will see a pattern logical which denotes its logical strength, add the previous high and low for the previous day, for any major news set up within 24 hours, and a touch of spice say the semafors for direction and hey presto you know what, you stand a chance, if your 80 percent in, then the outstanding 20 percent ..yes ride that wave you can see the direction then this will bring you back into play on the trade, are you buying to get into the shore line or selling to get out of the country and away from the beach..price action as they say..hope this makes sense anyway as one mentioned before it works perfectly fine for me..now can anyone tell me what is an ea!!

oh and tradeability, how an earth can one even suggest that the final 20% diifference is or could ever be greater than the amount prior to this of 80 per cent, now if a trader thinks like that then sorry my friend but thats scary, no wonder people look at semafors and say oh but they moved - and a great question u mentioned why should one even need to use seamfors with such a high success rate, well truth be known, i like them, visually and they work for me, as they say if it aint broken then it dont need fixing, take it easy my friend. monday watch the euro dollar go for 145.. plus change.

Did you say EURUSD 1.45 on Monday?

You have a magical trading system like 95% of us lol.

So let me get what you need right Dean...

You want an EA that has cable candles by the 3D dream every 30 mins you see waves that you want to ride by the ocean that are travelling towards me...right?

But you want the EA to take an overview of your charts and see logical patterns yes?

All this and the semafor work for you right? Is it as good as your prediction of the EURUSD?

Since MAJORITY of traders are succeeding as you put it...hmmm your statistical analysis is brilliant! I never would of thought that, since I'm one of the many that are not, compared to you? Thats why I'm here!

I will learn from you thats for sure but you left out great detail that your EA needs like TP, Indicators it will use other than the 3zz chart overviews etc... by the way what is the R:R of your fantastic system and how do you determine to stop trades? Is it when you land ashore or land in another country?

EA's don't work like magic they operate on full procedures (working procedures) not overviews or dreams.

So now I told you what's an EA go and do some homework backtest live a PROCEDURE not a dream or a myth then come back with facts to try and impress programmers before anyone will touch such a system. I'm certain they won't put any time into preparing an indicator/EA to test for it without concrete proof unless you are prepared to pay for it. That's why so many programmers get turned off doing work for others beacuse there is no compensation for their hard work.

P.S EURUSD = 1.42686 now


5 lvl semafor

hello asystem2000,

i am looking for this indi ,

is this also your indicator ?

would u mind to share please...

003.gif  15 kb

s and p my friend

i call it now at 1.45 7 - took the high at 146.5 -

did you catch the pips.

ride the wave, semafors always get you there..

shame usa was down graded, but remember 24 hours later the 145 was there and with the change, if you understood price action which obviously you dont my friend you would know you always get there, you fell for the trap like all small timers, oh look it went down to 142, oh my god, that guy was wrong, well actually correct, what a way to let of steam, sell out and then back in which price action was telling you, btw do you fly aeroplanes, doubtfull if you did you would understand bleeding the brakes before set up, as on a 747 they call it 3 greens in the cockpit, kept the trade my friend hope you did too.