Requests & Ideas, the beginning - page 248

Thank you
Hello, is it possible to change the macd signal line? Please do this.
Really need the indicator zero lag osma + signal line
Hello, is it possible to change the macd signal line? Please do this.
Really need the indicator zero lag osma + signal line
Please use the newer versions of averages macd
Please use the newer versions of averages macd
Thanks, where can I download the latest version?
Thanks, where can I download the latest version?
Thanks, where can I download the latest version?

  There are a lot of styles of step MAs,simple,New,Averages,mom,velocity EMAD,3D,pdf and so on,here is one latest from New and one from Averages by MLADEN.

ATTENTION: Video should be reuploaded

Way back in post 2405 is the Stepma new 1.05 indicator.

Would it be possible to add the option to display a dot at the change in colors instead of the trend line

Thank you for all your help.


Way back in post 2405 is the Stepma new 1.05 indicator.

Would it be possible to add the option to display a dot at the change in colors instead of the trend line? 

Thank you for all your help.


Why cant you use "StepMA of rsi adaptive tema 1.1" in place new1.05,this one have a lot of options and working better than that of old,in picture orange/green lines from your new 1.05 and doted lines with dots by tema,you can have only dots or what ever you want display.


Hello, I am new to TSD as a member but been following for some time, Great Forum and resource.

I was wondering if someone could possibly add an alarm to this Indicator. Simple alarm when the High and the low peaks appear. Thanks in advance!!

Fibauto.mq4  7 kb
I have been trying to add a Moving Average (Slope1MA[])  to Buffer 0 (Slope1[]).

I added one extra buffer (increased buffers from 2 to 3, declared double Slope1MA[]), added SetIndexBuffer, SetIndexLabel, line width, line style, line colour  and ..  at lines 436~438 the iMAOnArray to complete the modification.  Lines 436 and 7 I have made many changes to try get to work and I'm pulling my hair out wondering where I have gone wrong.

It's a really good indicator and I am wondering if mladen or mrtools would be kind enough to correct my error(s) so that it works as envisioned.  I'm pretty sure the error(s) are in lines 436~438.