Jerry Springer Forum


The more and more I read posts on this forum, it amazes me how everyone is trashing each other. I do not know if anyone notices it, but in other forums, I am beginning to see comments to this forum because of it. Is this to see who can dish out insults to make people leave or are we here to learn?

The more and more I read posts on this forum, it amazes me how everyone is trashing each other. I do not know if anyone notices it, but in other forums, I am beginning to see comments to this forum because of it. Is this to see who can dish out insults to make people leave or are we here to learn?

Very good observation, et. Those few members, it seems that is their mission: to trash each and every thread, system, member, etc.; jumped at negative conclusion without reading the entire thread, and without coming up with any positive suggestion to help correct what they seem to see as problem. Yes, there are only few of them but they just coming back and around, well motivated wreckers. Is it because of competition, envy, jealousy, hate or just down outright well intended destroyers? Somehow, in this world, there are those people born to be just like that, regardless. I have no idea. Nonetheless, I do the best I can to stay out of it. I survived many of them this way.




If one goes to other other forums, you will actually see the same account trashing systems here and there. Its no wonder some people will just disappear off of the forum for good seeing such insults. Who wants to put up with this s***? We are only losing the help of those who wanted to help in the first place. It's our loss not theirs...


I guess there's a lot at stake: EGOS, TURF, BRAGGING RIGHT, ETC....

But if more people would use their brakes instead of their horns, the streets would be a bit more civilized and a lot quieter.

Some people feel the need to "protect" others. They don't think that the individuals are capable of deciding for themselves. Governments are a lot like that. The result is warning labels on hair dryers telling the user to NOT use it in the shower. To me, this goes against DARWINISM. We should let stupid people kill themselves so they don't breed stupid babies... but I digress...LOL!

I came to the forum to learn and to share. I didn't come here looking for trouble or to cause any. I believe I have posted some really nice tools that will give traders a lot of flexibility and eliminate the need for coding, not to mention, I presented a scalping system that is very profitable.

But the "Jackyl Pack" unleashed their fury and trashed the threads where I posted. Question is, how do their actions benefit the Forex-TSD community?


The Don't Help Anyone

I guess there's a lot at stake: EGOS, TURF, BRAGGING RIGHT, ETC....

But if more people would use their brakes instead of their horns, the streets would be a bit more civilized and a lot quieter.

Some people feel the need to "protect" others. They don't think that the individuals are capable of deciding for themselves. Governments are a lot like that. The result is warning labels on hair dryers telling the user to NOT use it in the shower. To me, this goes against DARWINISM. We should let stupid people kill themselves so they don't breed stupid babies... but I digress...LOL!

I came to the forum to learn and to share. I didn't come here looking for trouble or to cause any. I believe I have posted some really nice tools that will give traders a lot of flexibility and eliminate the need for coding, not to mention, I presented a scalping system that is very profitable.

But the "Jackyl Pack" unleashed their fury and trashed the threads where I posted. Question is, how do their actions benefit the Forex-TSD community?

They don't help anyone let alone them selfs. There is so much to focus on in this endeavor to waste time and energy trashing others is at best silly. The good thing is that if left alone they go away to some other place where they can get attention even if it is only negative.


It seems this site along with many other sites are trashing people and systems like there is no tomorrow. If one does not like a thread or a system, please be constructive instead of going on for pages dishing it out at one another.

There are many here who still want to learn, but this bashing does not help. Its no wonder I see other sites always point to TSD as one of the worse sites with total disregard for others, and then on the other hand, they say this site provides the most helpful indicators for MT4.



this forum is not for people who like debating who's wrong or right , we are here to learn each other , we got nothing for blame others


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