Thread removed ocassionally


I am sorry: ocassionally I removed this thread The Bless FiFtHeLeMeNt EA Looks Promising.

Trying to restore it.

I am very sorry.


I think you meant 'accidently'...


How such a thing can happen!!

It's very strange for this good forum that these things happen!

I was working on it so plz try to fix the problem asap.

How can this happen, by the way?

did any one of admins remove the thread accidentally? or what?

Please inform us.

Hope it goes right soon.

Thanx in advance.


It's very strange for this good forum that these things happen!

I was working on it so plz try to fix the problem asap.

How can this happen, by the way?

did any one of admins remove the thread accidentally? or what?

Please inform us.

Hope it goes right soon.

Thanx in advance.


It is just an accident. Moderator is trying to do his job, but eventually he made a mistaken and accidently deleted an useful thread. Please dont blame him, he's only a human, and human made mistakes.




It was one post on this deleted thread about some commercial EA to buy which i was trying to delete. Commercial spam. And author of that commercial EAs was banned from the forum permanently few months ago because he made a threats by PMs to many people forcing admins to ban the clients who complained about his EAs and so on. So, he was banned few months ago because we had nothing with his commercial EAs and with him. Many members know this case.

So, I was trying to delete this new post about his commercial EAs from this good thread. But may be I was tired ... may be I just remember this case which was few months ago... sorry ... the whole thread was deleted.

When I am deleting the thread so i am getting just one recond in moderator's log: thread ... deleted.

But it was about 100 records and thread was deleted post by post and attachments by attachments ... it is very strange ...

It was good thread and because of that I posted to say sorry.

We are trying to re-store the thread.

I am sorry.


No need to be sorry, accidents happens. You are doing a great job in here thanks


There is no need to restore the whole thread.

Maybe those who are using that strategy can post the last versions of the EA they are using and do few comments.


We are still waiting!

Any good news newdigital?

I was on page 71. I want to know the end of the story!

and I have some of the files and texts on my computer. (If anyone is interested.)

Hope u can restore it.


Not yet.


Any good news newdigital?

I was on page 71. I want to know the end of the story!

and I have some of the files and texts on my computer. (If anyone is interested.)

Hope u can restore it.


please, stop waiting, just accept that things may be lost.

Look, GBPUSD was more than 2, maybe this time is gone for ever.

It's like life itself, we just have to accept it as it is. Don't fight against the trend...