Best Way To Learn Mql4.....


I've been reading tutorials on coding in mq4 but I'm just not getting it by myself.

Would someone who knows how to code tutor me please? If I am not on my IM at the specific time you try to contact me please let me know when is the best time and method to contact you.


I've been reading tutorials on coding in mq4 but I'm just not getting it by myself.

Would someone who knows how to code tutor me please? If I am not on my IM at the specific time you try to contact me please let me know when is the best time and method to contact you.


Try Codersguru lessons here

Besides there is Codersguru website

And there are some other lessons in this section

I've been reading tutorials on coding in mq4 but I'm just not getting it by myself.

Would someone who knows how to code tutor me please? If I am not on my IM at the specific time you try to contact me please let me know when is the best time and method to contact you.


Do u know ANY programming language? If not, u have to start by yourself first. Teaching from the basics its a long task.


You'd probably learn more by going to a programming forum. MQL programming is basically C++. I learned by just hanging out at c++ forums and asking questions.

Here is where I learned:

Get a compiler. Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 is a good one. Write a couple easy win32 console programs. Learn the syntax and then you should be able to write code on MQL but really there is a limitation as to what you can do in MQ4. I'm uncertain whether a holy grail can really be programmed. That's probably why metatrader decided to release its software. I'm sure they had the best mathematicians in the world working on a holy grail. After they couldn't find it, they released the metatrader software to the public.

I'd like to really know who owns Metatrader. That might be interesting to find out......


I think i made some progress today, I learned what was blocking me with the other indicator, it didn't HAVE a buffer and the example in the tutorial used a buffer. I have another indicator and successfully added it to an EA without the compiler giving me any errors, there were some errors but I resolved them. My current issue is that I can't quite get the indicator values recognized by the rest of the EA so I can't use it as a filter until I learn how to get the EA to 'see' the indicator variables outside of the indicator code itself. I am not starting from ground zero here. If i could just get a little tutoring with specific projects.

Do u know ANY programming language? If not, u have to start by yourself first. Teaching from the basics its a long task.

I've done some work with excel and I seem to be learning mq4 without alot of support just reading the tutorials. I wonder what I could learn WITH tutoring?


Best Way To Learn Mql4.....

Hi all, I'm currently reading a book called Beginning C. It is a great book with excellent explanations. I have zero C programming experience, but just wrote my first Hello World program.

Should I continue learning C to help me become more familiar with MQL4 or should I delve right into MQL4?

I don't want to waste time, but since looking at the C book, going back to MQL4 codes seem more readable.

I tried understanding the dictionary to certain functions, commands etc in MQL4, but that stuff is so cryptic.

I figure I learn C to get the basics of coding and familiarity of some of the rules in C which I seem to find familiarities with in MQL4.

Not sure what the difference is, but I figure C will offer alot more options, whereas MQL4 is a scaled down version of C, so I should be ready to program in MQL4 with little learning curve after I'm done with C.

Is this a correct assessment? Any input for those of you who have crossed over I would sincerely appreciate it. Thanks again.


You are at the right path!

You are at the right path!

Programming is not the language (c, c++, MQL4, PHP etc) but programming is how to think like the programmers!

The book you have will drive you to the MQL4 better than starting with MQL4 without any programming concepts!

c language is the best (and hardest) high level lanaguage has ever made!

Hi all, I'm currently reading a book called Beginning C. It is a great book with excellent explanations. I have zero C programming experience, but just wrote my first Hello World program.

Should I continue learning C to help me become more familiar with MQL4 or should I delve right into MQL4?

I don't want to waste time, but since looking at the C book, going back to MQL4 codes seem more readable.

I tried understanding the dictionary to certain functions, commands etc in MQL4, but that stuff is so cryptic.

I figure I learn C to get the basics of coding and familiarity of some of the rules in C which I seem to find familiarities with in MQL4.

Not sure what the difference is, but I figure C will offer alot more options, whereas MQL4 is a scaled down version of C, so I should be ready to program in MQL4 with little learning curve after I'm done with C.

Is this a correct assessment? Any input for those of you who have crossed over I would sincerely appreciate it. Thanks again.

Good Going!!.

Hi all, I'm currently reading a book called Beginning C. It is a great book with excellent explanations. I have zero C programming experience, but just wrote my first Hello World program.

Should I continue learning C to help me become more familiar with MQL4 or should I delve right into MQL4?

I don't want to waste time, but since looking at the C book, going back to MQL4 codes seem more readable.

I tried understanding the dictionary to certain functions, commands etc in MQL4, but that stuff is so cryptic.

I figure I learn C to get the basics of coding and familiarity of some of the rules in C which I seem to find familiarities with in MQL4.

Not sure what the difference is, but I figure C will offer alot more options, whereas MQL4 is a scaled down version of C, so I should be ready to program in MQL4 with little learning curve after I'm done with C.

Is this a correct assessment? Any input for those of you who have crossed over I would sincerely appreciate it. Thanks again.

Hi good approach!.

MQL4 is based on C programming language as you already found out

ofcourse just because you need to work with the specific API functions in MQL4 that is why it looks different to some people starting out , but that is only in the beginning so this is a good news. I would say even ( personal opinion) to start with .Net programming language the newer C that is ( Csharp )

This is what i think you should do

Learn Variables.

Learn Decision making and Looping

Learn Arrays

Learn to Create your own functions ( this is the most important thing ) if you can work with functions and divide and conquer your programs. you are done with it. is closer to MQL4 but you can't create classes in MQL4 though you can come close to the look and feel. What you will learn from an Object Oriented Programming Language will benefit you alot since MQL4 works alot of with Objects for e.g what is Color? what is a Trendline? they are all objects so if you can learn how to manupilate the Objects that would be great. ( just my opinion to start with instead of C Language )




Coding Problem in MQL4...

How do I setup a bot to open trades while there are manual trades open in an existing account?

I want it to keep track of only the trades it takes and upon closing for profit, only close the trades it has taken.

Can anyone shed some light? I looked at the close symbol and magic number functions, but am not sure how to use them. All I need are a few examples. The mql4 documentation is so cryptic....

Thanks for any help.


So based on this, should I ditch my C studies and move to C#? I am only on chapter 2 in the C studies. Do you have experience with both? I know from Coders Guru's response, he has been around a while, so I was basing learning to program MQL4 on first studying C according to his MQL4 tutorial manual.

Any light on this would be appreciated...

Hi good approach!.

MQL4 is based on C programming language as you already found out

ofcourse just because you need to work with the specific API functions in MQL4 that is why it looks different to some people starting out , but that is only in the beginning so this is a good news. I would say even ( personal opinion) to start with .Net programming language the newer C that is ( Csharp )

This is what i think you should do

Learn Variables.

Learn Decision making and Looping

Learn Arrays

Learn to Create your own functions ( this is the most important thing ) if you can work with functions and divide and conquer your programs. you are done with it. is closer to MQL4 but you can't create classes in MQL4 though you can come close to the look and feel. What you will learn from an Object Oriented Programming Language will benefit you alot since MQL4 works alot of with Objects for e.g what is Color? what is a Trendline? they are all objects so if you can learn how to manupilate the Objects that would be great. ( just my opinion to start with instead of C Language )

