Short-Term.....Swing Trade (Set-Ups) - page 7


Here is an update of theUsd/Yen Wave-count ( Short term )



Longer-Term ( Usd/Yen )


- Is the Usd/Yen going to hell in a hand basket ?...........

How much lower do you think ............?



from last night post in here .........Sell 0645 Stop


Price broke down this morning ......... !

-Now waiting the approach of the targets ..........


( Double Click on chart to enlarge )

Oh Well, this one didn't work out --------

( Although at one point on Wendsday there awas a profit of 120 pips )

Price simply did not reach the intended targets


Moving along ,

The Gbp /Usd appears that the 50 % Retracement line is still holding as resistance

Still watching this Gap ...........


Will we close it in the coming days ? .............. I really don't know

I'm just pointing out to everyone is that it is there starring at all of us !



Adrian ,

Here is a video I just found about trading Gaps ...........

( FXCM produced this video )

So I think that Jamie knows him .......... Please see this video .....


Profiting with Forex (PFX) - Watch Forex Professionals Currency Trade

Click here



Usd/Cad -Targets are reached today ! ..... Gain of a whopping 420 pips ! ..........





( Channeling all day yesterday )


thats a sales pitch and not a explaination of anything

Market, where do you come up with these things.You have the eye an K, enlighten me please. What is the significance of a diamond bottom?


Eagle Eye ...........?

No Way, I am not .

I only consider myself a humble student of the markets


I, too have to lick my wounds at times , just like anyone else !

and I most definitely don't get it right every time so to speak .


My training was in Commodity Futures , and the Indexes............


The metal markets may be one of the best places to learn Elliott Waves

and hone ones skills , probably because of all the volatility ........


Here is a look at the Dow Jones Industrial Average !

-It had a " Diamond Top " in it from earlier this year and rallied

into an end of a " Wave 5 " which ended last month November 07 .....