Short-Term.....Swing Trade (Set-Ups) - page 2



Here is a look at the Canadian Dollar

-Price appears to be poised to bounce out of the End of a " Wave 5 ".............





Serious Resistance

Will Price Break through all this ?



Serious Resistance

Will Price Break through all this ?

Here is today's update chart......



Here are Euro charts from earlier this morning ,

this market moved very fast today

and plummeted into this " Wave A" Low ...



Tomorrow is a big day for the Funny-Mentals .............

What will you do ? ...........................


Basically it's all about the Us Dollar /

Every Currency , Commodity , and Equity market will be directly affected

Things may get erratic . Price could move to some extremes !

Personally , I think the government Cooks the books like any other corporation

and it is not the job of governments to tell us the truth ....

If they did tell the truth, too many people would freak out all over the place

and make matters worse so they sugar coat everything .

The way they cook the books is with Revisions ....

There are just to many revisions of reports during the course of a year .

If these governmental agencies don't have a correct report why put it out in

the first place ?- especially knowing that traders are making bets on the various

markets based on what they report ........///////

Well , you know what they say , The Devil is in the Details !


Just remember ,

No matter what wave-count you believe is happening ,

Trading is about you ability to Manage Risk and Protect your assets

-This means more than figuring out who has the right or wrong wave-count

( To succeed in trading you must study Money Management )


All of technical analysis is Subjective

Elliott Waves , Gann , Gartleys , Wolfwaves -

(It does'nt matter which one you use )

again , all of these methods and others are Subjective !

Keep those stops as small as possible .....!




Looking like an End of a Wave 4 ?


Oh Well, this one didn't work out --------



1 Long-Term Chart

Gbp/Usd...... (Daily Bars)

Here is a Longer- Term updated view of the GBP ......





Here's the result .........


( Price action had found support way before any news came out !)


My main concern is the what's happening in the Us Dollar ( Usd/Chf)


Here is a look :

These is my chart set up from Friday before the NFP report came out



The US Dollar may have a Double Bottom formation in it ...

- Price taking out these lows could lead to an even stronger Gbp/Usd

Keep an eye on this one : Looking to go long at 1605 or higher .........
